(24) There's This Guy. He Lives In My Room. Oh, Yeah, And He's A Ghost.

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I'm so sorry for how crappy this chapter is.

I mean, I planned it all out in my head, but I then realised something didn't make any sense, so I now need to change it a lot.

Na na na, na na na na na, sheets of Egyptian cotton!


I'm a freak.

But is IS a swesome song!

There's This Guy. He Lives In My Room. Oh, Yeah, And He's A Ghost.

Chapter 24

Miles's POV

Finn is not what he seems.

Finn, precious Finn, who everyone loves.

Perfect Finn is not so perfect.

At the time, I didn't know what was going on.

When Finn was 13, and I was 11, he changed.

This was when mom and dad started going away, and it hit him hard.

He fell into a bad crowd.

And I don't mean drug dealers.

No, I mean religious people.

Not that there's anything wrong with being religious.

What I should have said was religious TERRORISTS.

They put things into his head, things that never should have been there.

They gave him this date.

They gave him the things he would need, the parts to make the bomb.

Finn spent 5 years waiting for this day.

The group rang every 6 months or so, making sure he was still going to do it, and they would convince him if he wasn't sure.

In the end, he had no hesitations.

He was ready to end his life for these people, for this religion.

No one knew what was wrong with him, why he was so different, least of all me.

But then, one day, I walked into him, right when he was on the phone with one of them.

He didn't see me, standing in the shadows, less that 2 meters behind him.

He also didn't know that I could hear what they person was saying on the other end of the line.

He didn't know I knew.

I slipped away, unnoticed.

Later, I confronted him, told him I'd call the police.

He knew I wasn't bluffing.

Later, he randomly invited me out on his boat, and I accepted, curious on why.

I should never have accepted.

The boat was okay, quite fun, but we never talked about the bomb.

Then the storm came.

You see, I lied to Taylor.

Finn didn't tell me to go below deck, where I'd be safe.


In fact, he asked me to help him.

And then he pushed me overboard.

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