The Scooby-Doo Video Game

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One calm Spring-like day, the Mystery Machine was driving along an empty road, heading to the city. The Mystery Inc. gang were getting ready to meet a friend of theirs Braedey and his mother Valka hadn't seen before. Also, there was someone with the person the gang know of that Braedey may know of.

"I wonder who the person might be you know there." Braedey said at a few times, but he knew it was a surprise.

The gang soon arrived at the university outside of the city. They pulled into the guest carpark, and were walking along to the main building.

"HEY!" A portly security guard stopped them and walked over. "Where do you think you're goin'?"

"We're visiting a friend of the gang," Braedey replied. "He's a student here, along with someone else."

"Not if you're not on my list." the guard sneered at them.

"Just look under Fred Jones." The brunette pointed to his name that was on the list.

The guard agreed, but gave them a warning. When they kept walking along the university, they paid attention to the door signs to find the computer lab.

But, as they do, they heard the sound of what might be metal footsteps behind them. The gang all turned around, and the gang, except for Valka, all smiled at who it was.

The person was a being made of metal armour, in rustic gold, silver, and purple highlights, standing 5ft tall. Two spikes protrude on each broad shoulder, as two purple spikes protruded from the back. It also had large powerful legs with two sharp toes on them, sharp clawed hands, a helmet with two spikes reaching out 2ft from the sides of the head reaching back from it, a scarred face, and electric blue eyes.

This was Galvatron Martin, the clone of Braedey, who was in league with the Evil Masked Figure, but turned to the good side after he helped to defeat the Evil Masked Figure.

(A/N: if you're not sure what Galvatron had done, check out 'Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (OC's Included)' to see what he had done)

"Gavlatron!" Braedey ran up, and hugged his clone. "You old walking tin-can. This is where've you been?" He asked.

"Hey, bro. It's great to see you again, along with the Scooby-Doo gang. Good to see you all." Galvatron nodded to the gang, then noticed Valka. "Valka? You''re alive? I can't believe it." The metal man walked over to the Martin woman, and knelt down to her, as if she were royalty. "You're majesty."

Valka smiled and snickered. " is very nice to see you again, after all this time." She said to him, then held the helmet. "One second." She tugged on the helmet, and it came off, revealing Galvatron's human head, which was a complete identical image of Braedey, but Valka noticed something. "Where did you get that scar?"

The scar Valka was referring to, was a very long scar, which ran from the top left side of his forehead, down across his face, over his left eye, across his nose, then down to the bottom of his right cheek.

"I'll...I'll explain later." Galvatron then got up to his feet, and lead the gang down to the lab.


After sharing a friendly meeting with everyone, especially Braedey and Valka, they all went to follow Galvatron and Eric into the computer lab.

"Guys, this lab is one groovy set!" Daphne was amazed.

They saw many books, beakers, and there was even a tomato plant in the room.

"Yeah, no kidding." Braedey said.

Scooby-Doo And The Cyber Chase (OC's Included)Where stories live. Discover now