Welcome Home

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Back in the Computer Lab, the Professor, Officer Wembley, Eric, Galvatron, and Bill kept waiting for their friends to return, and eventually, the laser started back up and they all returned.

"I never thought I'd be happy to be home..." Valka said softly, smiling happily.

"You're back!" Eric cheered. "I thought you'd be stuck in the game forever!"

"Like, there's no place like home!" Shaggy praised.

Galvatron hugged Braedey and Valka tightly. "Thank goodness you two are safe..." Then, he noticed Braedey was shirtless. "Where's your shirt?"

"Don't worry. 'I' had an idea." Braedey was referring to his cyber counterpart.

"Everyone okay?" Wembley asked.

"I think so." Velma smiled to him.

"Vell done," Professor Kaufman smiled. "You've saved the vorld from a terrible menace!"

"But did you find out who created the virus?" Billy asked then.

"We have a pretty good idea." Fred replied.

"Good, because whoever created zhe virus must be punished." Professor Kaufman declared strictly.

"Glad you agree, Professor, because you're as much a suspect as anyone here." Velma said to him.

The Professor was shocked at her accusations and insisted that he couldn't have done it. "I've dedicated my life to my students and my university!"

"But you also stood to make $250,000 at the science fair." Fred smirked as he folded his arms.

"If you also stole the invention." Daphne added.

"Preposterous!" Professor Kaufman refused to be guilty.

"Let's not forget Officer Wembley." Shaggy said as he gestured to the officer as a suspect.

"WHAT!?" Wembley barked at him. "I'm an officer of the law!" Valka gave him a look. "Sorta..." Wembley then said rather weakly. "Anyway, I've never committed a crime in my life!"

"You were the only person who was with us when we got sent into the game," Fred told him strictly.

"But once inside the game, we've found some important games." Velma then informed everyone else.

"Our first clue came when we were on the moon level," Daphne explained. "The Phantom Virus shouted out: 'Play Ball'!"

"And on the Colosseum level, we found some chalk lines like a large diamond." Fred added.

"But our biggest clue was on the final level when the Phantom Virus appeared in a batting cage." Braedey finished.

Galvatron was lost and confused about those clues. "I'm sorry, but I'm lost with all these clues."

"Me too," Eric agreed with her. "All I'm getting is that the Phantom Virus had a thing for-" he then realized and glared at Bill. "Baseball!"

They all glared at Bill as he was trying to escape.

"Not so fast, kid." Wembley said to the ginger-haired college boy.

Bill tried to escape, he ran off from them and ran behind some shelves. Mystery Inc was at one end while Officer Wembley came the other way. Bill backed up until he tripped behind Scooby, setting a trap for him. Bill fell over and his game had 'strike out' as if to mock him for his personal game over. Officer Wembley came to take Bill away in handcuffs.

"Bill, you were my best friend." Eric said to him.

"Und my best student behind Mr. Martin." the Professor added.

"We were even study partners!" Galvatron sounded hurt and angry.

"But you didn't pick my project!" Bill sneered at them.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Eric and Galvatron asked him, angrily.

"Professor Kaufman chose your video game designs over mine!" Bill snapped. "Even though I've been here two years longer!"

"Students are equal, Bill." Kaufman firmly told him.

"So, you created the Phantom Virus, hoping it would scare Galvatron and Eric away?" Valka concluded.

"That's right, and it worked till you guys showed up," Bill growled.

"You were afraid that we would find out who created the virus." Fred put together.

"So you beamed us into cyberspace!" Even Shaggy was shocked and angered, he rarely got angry.

"The prize would've been all mine!" Bill yelled as he was being taken away. "If it wasn't for-"

"Us meddling kids..." Mystery Inc said together, annoyed, but amused at the same time from being referred to as such over the years.

This made everybody laugh together and the mystery was over, for now at least.

"Let's get a milkshake to celebrate." Valka suggested.


They all went to the soda shop to relax and have some real fun now.

"Sorry about what happened to you guys." Eric told them.

"It's okay, Eric." Braedey reassured him. "It was rather enjoyable, along with being adventurous."

"I would believe so." Galvatron checked his laptop, then to his surprise, he saw the Cyber Mystery Inc. on the screen. "Hey, check this out." He showed the others, and they saw their cyber counterparts.

"Well, what do you know?" Braedey smiled, then he had an idea. "Hang on a second." He began to type something on the computer, whilst his right hand's index finger deployed a USB stick. He plugged it in, and he began to upload something.

On the screen, next to the Cyber Gang's original Mystery Machine, was Braedey's Dodge Charger, and next to Cyber Braedey, was Valka, but with her own style that sort of matched the gang's.

"Wow. Thanks, Braedey." Galvatron told his brother, as Braedey unplugged himself from the laptop.

"Now, that's what I call a super hack." Shaggy said, as he saw the gang getting into the Mystery Machine, as Braedey and Valka got in the Charger, and they drove off to Cyberland.

"Reah. Rool. Scooby-Dooby-Doo!" Scooby cheered, and he others laughed along with their Great Dane friend.

The End

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