We've Been Beamed Up: Level One

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Meanwhile, back in the Professor's classroom, Officer Wembley was eating chips while he made Fred and the girls stay put with him.

"They sure have been gone for a long time." Daphne said, worrying about Braedey, Valka, Scooby and Shaggy.

"Maybe we should go back and look for them." Velma suggested.

"Nobody goes anywhere until Professor Kaufman comes back!" Officer Wembley told them sharply.

Suddenly, Scooby, Shaggy, Valka, and Braedey ran into the room to avoid the villains. The Phantom Virus was right behind them. Daphne, Fred, and Velma saw them coming and ran together with them.

Everybody decided to split up with their running. The entire group was now running all over the lab which was now becoming confusing while the Phantom Virus was grinning evilly, seeing them running all over the place. Suddenly, everyone crashed together and landed on the floor.

Before anyone could see who had done it, someone grabbed the laser pointer and zapped all of them out of the room in an instant.

At that moment, Galvatron saw the laser was firing, and knew there was trouble.


In a flash of white light, everyone appeared on a plain white background and wore spacesuits with Scooby's collar logo on their shoulders, and they were suddenly on The Moon.

"I don't think we're on Earth anymore..." Valka pointed out to their home planet as they were on The Moon. It was barren and empty, whilst stars were all around them.

"Oh, no. It looks like we've been beamed directly into Eric's Scooby-Doo computer game." Braedey said.

"How do we get out?" Valka asked.


A moment later, Professor Kaufman, Eric, and Bill, along with Galvatron and Officer Wembley ran back into the room, and saw the laser shutting down.

"The laser! It's been fired." Eric yelled out.

"It better be that Phantom Virus, I hope." Officer Wembley said.

Bill got to the computer, and checked on it. But, to his shock, he saw the gang in Eric's video game. "I can't believe it! Your friends had been transported into cyberspace!" This made Professor Kaufman and Eric look shocked.

"So, throw a switch or something, and get them out." Officer Wembley suggested.

"The game doesn't work that way." Eric told him. "They'll have to play through all 10 levels."

"You're kidding." Galvatron and Officer Wembley said in unison.

"I vish he vas." Professor Kaufman replied to him.

"And while they're inside of cyberspace, the dangers will be very real." Bill then told them, as they looked to the large screen of the game.


Meanwhile, inside the video game, Shaggy was flying and running around, taking advantage of the zero gravity.

"Hey! I feel like a superhero!" Shaggy called out, as he jumped around.

Valka sighed. "He's going to get himself hurt, isn't he?"

Scooby-Doo And The Cyber Chase (OC's Included)Where stories live. Discover now