The Last Level, Meeting Cyber Mystery Inc., and The Monsters Of The Past

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Suddenly, once more, the gang appeared, and they appeared to be in a downtown location, just outside of an alleyway, as the buildings seemed a bit dark.

"I think we're finally home..." Daphne shrugged to the gang.

"Ah, no more monster chasing," Shaggy smiled. "Let's celebrate with some chow."

"No. We can't be home yet. We've only been through nine levels of the game..." Valka said, folding her arms, having bad vibes about this place.

"Yeah. It might be a little too late for a celebration, gang," Fred agreed with her and pointed to the sky that had glowing green bars like a computer screen. "Look."

They looked at the sky and saw that it wasn't normal, but digital.

"Aww! Man, we're still in the game and I thought we were home free." Shaggy complained.


Eric and the others kept watching from the university's screen.

"Okay, they've made it to the final level." Billy spoke up.

"But this is the toughest one of them all," Eric pointed out about his game once the sky went to a normal nighttime style. "No player's ever won it. Not even me. It'll take everything they've got just to survive."

Galvatron was very worried. "Be careful, Braedey..." he was hoping his 'brother' will be okay.


"So now what?" Daphne asked as they all felt stuck.

"All he have to do is to find the last box of Scooby Snacks, and we can get out of the game." Braedey guessed about the last part.

"But this city is so big," Daphne frowned. "Where do we start?"

Fred looked around and saw an old lady who was covered up and had bags in her hands across the street and seemed to have her head bowed. "Let's see if that woman knows anything." he suggested.

They all went across the street to ask for help.

"Excuse us, ma'am, we're hoping that you could..." Braedey said before seeing who the old lady really was.

The Phantom Virus grinned to them, startling them. "Surprise!! Welcome to the final level," the virus grinned. "You're in the major leagues now."

The others then ran away from the Phantom Virus, not sure of where to go now, and hope that they don't get caught by the Phantom Virus.

"What do we do now?" Shaggy cried out.

"Head for the malt shop. It's our best bet right now until we can think of a plan." Braedey responded, pointing to a malt shop not far away from them, and everyone followed his instructions.

Everyone ran into the malt shop, as they followed Braedey inside, and caught their breaths, they just hoped that was enough running for now.

Valka looked confused for a moment. She rubbed her eyes, as if trying to get them to refocus, and looked at what she saw.

"You okay, Mum?" Braedey asked her.

"I think I'm seeing double..." Valka murmured.

The Mystery Inc gang looked in front of them and saw duplicates of themselves, however, the copies of them looked really dated. Cyber Shaggy had his red shirt and blue jeans, Cyber Scooby had his red collar, and looked slightly darker in fur colour compared to the actual Scooby, whilst Cyber Fred had his ascot and white shirt, and Cyber Daphne wore her original outfit, whilst Cyber Braedey had black shirt and jeans.

Scooby-Doo And The Cyber Chase (OC's Included)Where stories live. Discover now