The Phantom Virus's Last Code

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Now, the present day Mystery Inc. gang looked around at the video arcade, and saw many gaming consoles and machines, along with air hockey, pool, and other types of games.

Shaggy took a look and was amazed. "Man, this is one great video arcade!"

"Ruh-huh!" Scooby agreed.

"Just keep an eye open for the virus." Fred advised as they walked in.

"Look, there's the Scooby Doo video game!" Daphne pointed ahead, seeing the machine at the other end of the arcade.

"And the Scooby Snacks!" Velma added, seeing the Scooby Snacks on the control console.

"Roh roy!" Scooby cheered, before going to get them. "Rooby Racks!"

Wicked laughter filled the air just as Scooby planned to get them, but he was too afraid to now. The game cabinet shook and quickly exploded as the Phantom Virus came out from it. He looked more powerful than ever in this final boss level.

"Ta-Da!! Ready to play some games?" the Phantom Virus taunted.

The virus zapped all the other game cabinets to show that they had meant business. He even blasted the non video games and even hit the air hockey table, the ski-ball and the basketball games. He made the balls rise up and attack them all. The gang all took cover behind some of the gaming machines.

"Shaggy, the magnet!" Valka cried to him, knowing he still had it.

Shaggy took out the magnet after hiding from behind a game cabinet, but it wouldn't work, he was too far away from the evil video game characters.

"You need to get clsoer!" Velma told him.

"Like, that's easy for you to say!" Shaggy cried, he was too scared to go any closer.

"Then toss the magnet over here!" Fred called to him.

"With pleasure!" Shaggy tossed the magnet over with no hesitation.

Fred caught it and got out of his hiding spot, just as an entire game system was flying at them. Valka jumped in the way, getting hit by it and she fell straight to the floor as Fred was going to use the magnet against the Phantom Virus. The magnet's effect on the virus.

"Scooby, go grab the snacks!" Velma instructed.

"R'okay!" Scooby agreed, it didn't seem too hard this time.

"Valka... Are you okay?" Daphne was worried since the girl was nearly crushed.

"Yeah... That just really hurt..." Valka said, looking a bit bruised and hurt.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you again." Braedey said.

Scooby snuck around while Fred tried to hold of the Phantom Virus.

"Hurry, Scooby, I don't know how much longer this is gonna work!" Fred called until he accidentally slipped on a ball, landing on top of Scooby and dropping the magnet underneath a game cabinet.

The Phantom Virus smirked at their misfortune. "Oh, tough break."

Fred went to get the magnet, but the Phantom Virus zapped the game cabinet, making the wires trap them. Scooby tried to reach for the snacks, but the virus zapped then further away.

"If you thought my hitting was good, you should see my pitching!" The Phantom Virus taunted as he made a ball shape with his volts to hit them.

It was then Valka realized a pattern in the Phantom Virus's speech. "What's with the sports metaphors?"

"Wait, sports metaphors?" Braedey said, then a lightbulb went off in his head. "I know who the creator of the virus is!" He shifted his left arm into a blaster, and fired at the Phantom Virus, but it didn't seem to do anything.

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