Searching For The Phantom Virus

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Soon, Fred walked along with a magnet in his hand ahead of the gang as they went along to search the school building. However, it was much larger than they anticipated.

"Jeepers. This building is so big!" Daphne gasped. "This Phantom Virus could be anywhere."

"Sounds like a good time to split up." Braedey suggested.

"I was just thinking the same thing." Fred agreed.

"Me and Valka will go with Shaggy and Scooby." Braedey said.

Shaggy and Scooby went with Braedey and Valka.

"Hey, you guys, I didn't say how we were gonna split up." Fred stopped them.

Shaggy looked back. "Like, do we do it any other way?"

Fred shrugged as he went off with the girls. Fred and the girls went to the basement.

"Why do we have to start in the basement?" Daphne complained, seeing the darkness and the dirty basement they were in.

"We have to search the whole building, top to bottom." Velma reminded her, and followed Fred to take a look.

Fred looked around the old-time technology. "That stuff looks like it belongs in the Smithsonian." He commented when he pulled back a tarp.

"Why do they bother keeping this old junk?" Daphne nearly scoffed.

"I don't know some of this old junk might be very valuable." Velma said as she picked up a book and blew off some dust from it, unknowing the dust would end up in the face of the Phantom Virus.

The virus seemed to sneeze suddenly.

"Gesundheit." Velma said without looking back, but what Velma said, got her attention. "Jinkies, it's him!"

The virus took out one finger, showing electrical sparks and laughed wickedly.

"Watch out!" Fred cried.

Fred picked up the magnet that Velma put down on the floor and used it against the virus, looking stoic as always. The magnet began to take its effects on him as he began to look like he was fizzing and getting weaker and weaker.

Fred, Velma, and Daphne then pulled out the magnets they had, and began to use them against the Phantom Virus, which got weaker.

"Get back, you creepy... Thingy!" Daphne threatened.

Fred gave an amused smirk, and Daphne looked rather embarrassed by what she just said.

"You'll pay for this!" the Phantom Virus hissed.

"We don't think so!" Daphne exclaimed.

"Thingy." Fred added with a teasing smile to his crush.

Daphne glared at him while Velma chuckled. The Phantom Virus then began to limp away, after feeling so weak from the magnets.

"After him!" Fred commanded, making everyone follow him.


Meanwhile in the cafeteria, Shaggy, Scooby, Braedey, and Valka decided to get some dinner while the other students glanced at them with their monstrous eating habits. Mostly at Shaggy and Scooby whilst Braedey and Valka didn't seem like they were going to over do it with the food.

Shaggy saw a couple of students getting out of the cafeteria as he got a hot dog and put whipped cream on top of it. "I wonder why they left."

"Ri ron't row." Scooby shrugged his shoulders with his mouth full.

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