Fooling The Monsters

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Valka kept running and she went into a haunted house, leaning against the door. "I think I'll be safe in here..." she said quietly to herself, until suddenly there was a loud shake, making her scream.

"Whoa, it's just us!" Daphne said.

"Wow, she's really scared..." Cyber Daphne observed.

"I am not!" Valka cried, though she was shaking. She hugged Daphne though and started to cry. "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, Valka..." Daphne hugged her. "Braedey was the same when he solved mysteries before."

Valka calmed down once she looked around with the two Daphnes and decided to explore. "Wow... This place is actually kinda cool..."

"Oh, no!" Cyber Daphne cried.

Valka got instantly nervous. "Wh-What's wrong?"

"Look at how fat I am!" Cyber Daphne then pointed to her chubby reflection in one of the mirrors.

This caused for both Valka and Daphne to giggle, seeing why Cyber Daphne thought that she was fat.

"It's just a trick mirror," Daphne explained with a smile to her double. "You look perfect."

"Oh, thanks, you too." Cyber Daphne smiled in gratitude.

"Guess these trick mirrors can make someone look nice." Valka commented, as she looked in another trick mirror, and it made her body look curvier, and give her a Jessica Rabbit body shape.

"Creeper..." a zombified voice came behind them, startling them.

Valka saw something and she went to the end, waiting for the two Daphnes to come to her sides and when they did, she clicked a button, showing a trapdoor, making the Creeper fall through a slide into a pile of mattresses.

"Wow, nice move, Valka." Cyber Daphne praised.

Valka gave a playful smirk as she kept the Creeper trapped before he could climb back up the slide to get them.

"That door won't hold him for long." Daphne commented.

"It'll do for now." Valka agreed with her.

Cyber Daphne looked at herself in the better mirror.

Valka rolled her eyes and grabbed her arm. "Come on... There's nothing to be afraid of..." she said calmly and quietly, shutting her eyes as she felt safe now.


With Fred and Cyber Fred, they were now on a rollercoaster, hoping that the Gator Ghoul wouldn't get them.

"Is it still behind us?" Cyber Fred asked.

Fred looked to see the monster known as the Gator Ghoul. "Yep... That walking handbag."

Suddenly the rollarcoaster was coming to a hill part. The Gator Ghoul kept trying to go after the Freds, not giving up.

"Look!" Cyber Fred saw a broken rail.

"Oh, no!" Fred cried out.

"What do we do now?" Cyber Fred seemed worried and scared.

"JUMP!" Fred cried out.

"WHAT!?" Cyber Fred panicked. "We must be five stories high!"

Fred saw a bounce house and pointed to it. "Down there!"

After counting to the three, the two Freds jumped down, aiming for the bounce house for a soft and smooth landing. The Gator Ghoul hit the end of the tracks and hit the others, very painfully.

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