Chapter 9, The Sharma

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A man in his 20's erupted from the ground. He had tan skin, perfect cheekbones, deep brown eyes and he was absolutely flawless. He wore a black tuxedo with a black bow-tie.
"Hello Alex, I'm the Sharma,"
Alex had no idea how he knew her name.
"Ur, oh, y-you're the Sharma? I thought you were going to be a g-girl," Alex stuttered.

Then she felt a sudden burst of anger.
"THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU COME OUT BEFORE, WE HAVE SPENT HOURS IN THIS PLACE LOOKING FOR YOU, and you show up now?!?" Somehow the Sharma wasn't mad.
"All you had to do was say my name,"
This guy was really peeving her off.
"We've said your name tonnes of times!!!"
"Yes, but not once in any of my puzzle rooms. I expect you've been wondering what my special gift is, thanks to my good friend Tornadius, how is he by the way?"
Alex was so angry she was speechless.
"He's fine, and yes, take us to where you need to take us," Jamie answered for her.
"Okay then," The Sharma said, glaring at Alex, "Come meet the others,"
The others? Alex thought. This made Alex a bit more hopeful.
"Right this way," the Sharma waved his hand towards a wall and it split in half. Leaving a narrow hallway. He  led them towards a silver gate. It was metal and had bars protecting anyone from getting in. The bars gave off electricity as well. That was some really tight security.
At a touch of the Sharma, the gate swung open.
"Welcome to the hotel of Lords," The Sharma exclaimed.
Alex immediately decided that they were staying there for at least a few days.
Before them stood a white marble building. Several floors decorated it. Windows with people peering out and smiling at them.
This was a hotel for Lords like her. Except none of them were like her. She was a Lord that needed to defeat Smoden.
They would only be able to stay a while. Smoden was waiting for them.
Little Lords cheered and chased each other, playing because they had no idea what responsibility rested on Alex' shoulders. They transformed into animals to help them, and Alex noticed that if a fish one one got mad or lost a game, it turned into a squid and squirted ink in the opposed's face.
"This is where all abandoned and orphaned Lords live, we have all those puzzles so that no one would ever find us," Alex took a good look around. To her left was a food stand selling meat, fish flakes, and even bananas. There was also a playing field with a basketball nets and boundaries. When she was with her parents she had played A grade. The ball seemed to give off a signal to her hands and told her how to shoot and when to steal. They had won the grand final 3 times in a row because of her.
She was sure she would use the courts at least once.
Then to her left were the toilets. The boy's one was blue and the girls one was red. Just a few steps next to it was a normal store full of toothbrushes, extra clothes and Hotel for Lords merchandise. The Sharma directed them across the grassy floor, his shiny black shoes causing a glare from the sun. Wait, Sun? There wasn't any sun, yet it was bright and warm. Alex looked up and found no source of light. Jamie must have noticed her looking because he asked,
"If there's no sun, then how is there light?"
"The weather depends on how I feel. That is why I was trying not to get angry at your friend over here," he said, hinting Alex.
"Pfft, what happens when you get angry, a volcano explodes?" Alex teased.
"Well you must be Psychic," he replied.
Alex wondered what this meant until she looked a little further into the distance. 3 mountains served as the outer fence of the hotel. But one of them was billowing smoke out the top. A volcano. Even though Alex was immune to fire, she still didn't want to make the Sharma angry anymore.
The Sharma brought them over to a tent behind the store.
"File in, don't look suspicious,"
Instead of looking suspicious,  Alex was suspicious. Everyone filed into the tent. It looked exactly like the last one, except less of the endlessness. By the time Everyone and the Sharma has gotten in, Alex had pins and needles in her feet, and cramps in both legs.
"Now, let's get down to business," the Sharma said. You will all close your eyes and I am going to place my thumb on your forehead one by one. Whatever you imagine will be your gift from me. They are all stored underground and will appear in your hands when you open your eyes. One more important thing, whatever you do, do not open your eyes before I tell you. If you choose to not follow my instructions, well the consequences are great, okay, close your eyes,"
They all sat in two rows of three, the person next to the Sharma went first and slid down in a snake pattern. Mingyu was first. Alex waited a bit until she heard a small click, like something landing in your hands from falling a great height. Squidbrain went next, then Jamie, then everyone else. Until, of course. Alex happened to be last. The thumb went to her forehead and Alex went into another dimension.

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