Chapter 11, Back at the Animgem

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It was scary just thinking about it. That today would be the final day of this quest. Alex was too scared. Either they would win, or go down trying.
Smoden had to realise the truth. If he didn't then the world would fall under extreme pollution.

Alex woke up as a cat on her father's fold out bed. She changed back and woke up her father. He was also a cat. "Meow," he said.
"Come on dad, it's the big day, for any spare arrows?" Her father changed back and bent down so that he could look under the couch. He pulled another quiver of arrows out.
"Give me your quiver," he said.
Alex did as she was told. Matthew took out the arrows from his quiver and stuffed them into Alex'. He then gave it back and hugged her.
"Go kick some pollution butt,"
Alex packed a few snacks and some ropes in her saddlebags on Volcano.
They ate a big breakfast and prepared for teleportation. The Sharma had provided bullet proof vests, and even motorcycle helmets. Hopefully if they needed their motorbikes they wouldn't fall off and pass out. The helmet could be disguised as a tube of ink, and put inside the pen. Alex had a full quiver and everyone else had now got holsters for their sharp objects. No one could cut themselves now. Except for Squidbrain. She would always find a way. Then again she could just take it out of the holster and full on stab herself. There was no stopping Squidbrain.
The Sharma had organised a meeting under the food pavilion. Before it started though, Alex went to talk to Jamie. He was on his way to the pavilion.
"Jamie!" She called out to him from behind. "Wait up!". Jamie stopped in his tracks and ran to Alex.
"This is so crazy right?" He said to her.
"I know, I can't believe it was just a few days ago that our lives were normal,"
"True, swear not to die?" Jamie held out his pinky for a pinky promise. Alex nearly laughed.
"Sure, swear not to die."
He stood at the front with Matthew next to him. Everyone found their seats and waited for the Sharma to speak.
"Today, we are honoured to send the 6 Lords into battle, as they Will need extra help, I will be accompanying them."
Oh no, Alex thought. She remembered her dream.
"Uh, don't worry about us Sharma! We'll be fine!" Alex desperately said.
Everyone booed her. Her father gave her a weird look.
"No, I come to my own will. Anyway. Alex McGuire shall be leading them. They will march towards the Animagem with courage on their side. We will get rid of Aidan and Smoden, and make them suffer for what they did!!!" Everyone cheered and chanted,
"Down with Aidan! Down with Smoden! Down with Aidan!" Everyone except for Alex and her friends. They would not make Smoden suffer, only Aidan. They would do what Tornadius told them and tell Smoden the truth, that way they could end this war for good.
"Do you accept, Alex McGuire?" The Sharma asked. Alex looked at Jamie. He had always been her best friend and always would be.
"Yes, I accept."
Then another cheer went up, and Alex, Jamie and everyone else were carried out while the crowd chanted.
"Alex! Alex! Alex!" She felt good. But needed to be with her friends. At least it be just them and the Sharma when they did what they needed to do. They were carried out to the gate entrance. Where people put them down. The Sharma had a camera and a micro phone as if wanting to vlog or live stream. Alex grabbed her bow from her shoulder, and made sure that all the arrows were okay.
"Alright! Aerin will you do the honours of teleporting us?!?" The Sharma said into the microphone.
"Well no one else is going to do it are they," she answered. Squidbrain definitely preferred her nickname because as soon as "Aerin" left the Sharma's mouth, she frowned and almost looked mad. She teleported Jamie, then Alex, Mingyu, Vic, Chris, the Sharma and finally herself. With good thinking from Squidbrain, she teleported them behind a bush. Possibly the only Bush near the Animagem. The peered over into it. Two weird looking pigeon hybrids stood guarding it. They were talking to each other but what they were talking about was impossible to decipher.
"Why didn't you just teleprlort us inside,Squidbrain?" Chris asked.
"There is a barrier around it that prevented me from getting in. Whoever we're dealing with is smart,"
"If we're going to get in, we'll do it usual way, someone distracts the guards, and the rest of us go in. Then the person who distracts swoops in after us, cool?" Jamie planned.
"Yeah but who's going to be the distraction?" Vic asked.
"I'll go," Mingyu piped up. "I'll change into a bird and tell them there's a bird seed stand around the corner that is giving away free seeds, and only first few people get worms! Dumb pigeons, right?"
"That may actually work, only thing is that there isn't a corner for miles," Alex said.
"That's the point, they'll be running towards it for hours and will still never find it. By the way, anyone have a basket?" Mingyu said.
"Unless you want a flaming one then no," Chris said indicating Alex' quiver.
"Oh well," Mingyu exclaimed. "When they start running, you start running okay?" Everyone nodded. He changed into a pigeon, and flew towards the guards. He started cooing to them and they cooed back. Then their eyes widened like someone had just told them their beaks had fallen off, and they started sprinting down the road. Alex got up and ran her legs out over to the door, they had first been through with Aidan.
"Everyone follow Jamie and I, because we're the only ones who have been here before. Jamie was about to touch the door like Aidan had when Alex stopped him.
"What if only Lapgon children can access the door?" Alex argued.
"Good point," Jamie replied, but then how do we get in?"
This time Vic came up with a plan. Alex was glad she wasn't the one doing all the work. Now everybody seemed to be included.
"Everyone hide up there," she pointed to a small ledge over the doorway, "And I'll change into a bee and touch the door. Then, if they come out, or the door doesn't open, they'll just think I'm a natural bee, and we'll find another way in. But if the door opens and we're all good, then we can just go in," Damn these plans were good.
"Okay, everyone up there," Alex said.
They all changed into animals and eventually got up on the ledge. Alex had gotten so used to the fact that it was only the 6 of them, that she forgot about the Sharma. She looked around and found his camera smashed on the road. He had fled in fear. Shame on him. Vic was so tiny that Alex could barely see her. Then use heard a small thump, and the door opened to reveal an army of Lapgon children , they had knives and shields in hand. They ran out of the door with a battle cry of,
"AHHHHHH!!!" But soon discovered there was no threat, and went back inside, with the door closing behind them. They all hopped down and changed back.
"Boy am I glad I listened to you Alex," Jamie said.
"Anytime, but the Sharma is gone." Alex replied. They all looked to where the broken camera lay on the road.
"Did he run away?" Vic asked.
"I don't know, either that, he went to go get free bird seed, or he was kidnapped," Mingyu said.
"I think the second option is the most plausible," Squidbrain chimed in.
"No I think he was abducted." Alex said. Now realising what the facts were. They had taken him away. Somehow without them noticing. That meant that they were watching them. That Smoden knew they were coming.
Alex looked around and soon saw that a camera was placed out the front. Maybe they hadn't seen them. But the Sharma might've walked out into broad daylight. Trying to get a good angle for his camera, while they snuck around the back. Alex didn't think he'd be that stupid. Oh well, the Sharma what the Sharma did. She explained her theory to everyone else and they all agreed. Then she remembered her dream. He was going to-. They had to save him first. Now he was number one priority now.
"Okay listen up here's what we are going to do," Alex began, "there is an army of anrmed Lapgon children in there, so Vic will push the door and we will ambush them from behind. They'll either run away screaming or we'll tie them together with these ropes I brought. Sound good?" She asked.
"Well I don't think anyone else has a better plan," Jamie said.
They all agreed. Alex expanded Volcano and took out the ropes, the turned it back into a pen
"Okay, everyone back up to the ledge." Squidbrain said, using her hands as a booster. They all changed into their main animals and got up.
They were all up and Vic did her thing. Just as they expected, the huge army came charging out. Shouting the same battle cry. Everyone jumped off and changed back, including Vic.
"Try and get their weapons away so that I can tie them up!" Alex said.
Mingyu simply used his fists while the others swiped and ducked. Before Alex could blink, they had cornered the whole army into a small, crowded circle.
"Wow," Alex admitted, "I'm impressed," she asked Chris to hold one end of the rope while she tied the rest around their new hostages. When she had a knotted a triple not around them, she stood back and admired her work.
"Okay, where's Aidan and the Sharma?" None of them answered. Alex undid her bow from her shoulder and aimed an arrow at one.
"Let me ask you again, where's Aidan and the Sharma?" Alex threatened.
"We'll never tell, we are loyal to our master." A Lapgon child to her right piped up. But before Alex could steal someone's knife and double threaten them, the sound of a walkie talkie ringed in her ears.
"Alright who has it?" She asked.
None of them answered, they were a stubborn group, and they were wasting the Sharma's time. Jamie had had enough of this. He kicked one if them in the shins. Alex caped at him. Violence had never been her strong point. He looked back at and smiled. The child he kicked yelped in pain.
"There's a whole lot more where that came from so start talking," he said.
"We're not giv'n you anything," one at the back of the circle exclaimed.
"Hold up guys I'll be right back," Chris said, he then whispered to Alex, "if you see Aidan come out from behind that wall, don't be surprised, and don't attack him,"
Alex had no idea what he was up to, but she hoped it worked in making the children give in.

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