Chapter 12, Saving The Sharma

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Alex kept her eyes glued to her new prisoners, even though they weren't going anywhere. Alex wondered what Chris was up to. Then all of a sudden everyone gasped and Alex turned around. Aidan strolled around the corner, looked at them, and didn't have a single without a worry on his face.
"What the heck?" Alex heard Jamie mumble. Everyone was going to charge at him when Alex stopped them.
"Wait, I think Aidan has something to ask our hostages over here." Alex said catching on. They all looked at her like she was crazy.
"Yes Alex I do," Aidan said.
The hostages were as startled as they were.
"Wai' a minute, if you our master, then what's my name?"
This struck Aidan by surprise.
"Oh erm, I don't have time to memorise everyone's names, I only know you because you work for me,"
The child that spoke gaped at him and bowed.
"I'm sorry for being so ignorant, master. Will you forgive me,"
Alex was sure Aidan was about to say yes but then thought better about it.
"No, anyway, I need you to tell these dear Lords of the Wild where we are keeping the Sharma,"
The one that spoke the most said,
"Well, why don't you just tell them yourself, master?"
"Oh erm, I don't like to speak of such things," Aidan said quickly.
"Hmm, okay, their in the stadium where all the Lords are blessed,"
"Thank you," and Chris changed back into himself.
"Wha?" The child said.
"He's an impostor," a child from the other side of the bundle said, "The real Aidan will get you. I hope you die in there,"
"I'll send a postcard when we've saved the world." Jamie teased before turning to the now open door.
Everyone turned and went with him.
"You're and impersonator, and can change into people as well as monkeys," Alex said to Chris.
"Yes, I only use it in important situations though. Sometimes, I can even feel the persons memories."
"But, you've never even seen Aidan before,"
"If I gather enough information I can picture them,"
"Cool," Alex said.
Alex had miscalculated the length of the tunnel. It seemed longer than before. Maybe it was just Alex' imagination. She hadn't been there in a while, plus she was busy in talk with Aidan the first time.
The end of the tunnel was now visible. Alex was about to walk into broad daylight when this time Jamie stopped her.
"Remember Kate?" He said.
Alex had nearly forgot about Kate. She had never been included any of Aidan's voyages to kill them. Maybe Aidan was too worried about her safety. "She's probably at the reception desk," he whispered to the group.
"Kate?" Vic asked. This reminded Alex of a moment they had before.
"The snake lady," she replied smiling. Of course none of the others had any idea what they were talking about. Alex peered into the room. The ripped carpet and chairs were still there, and just as Jamie had suspected, Kate was sitting at her desk. Straight ahead of them, was the door to the stadium. That was their goal now,
"Anyone have a rock, or anything small and able to be thrown far?" Alex asked.
"I have a rubber band," Squidbrain said.
"No that won't work."
"Why don't you just throw a fireball or something that we have an unlimited supply of?" Mingyu suggested. That wasn't such a bad idea, Alex hadn't used fire in ages.
Her hand sparked and eventually a blue ball of fire lit up her hand. She aimed at behind Kate, and threw.
"Oh, what's this? AHHH FIRE!!" Alex heard a scream that belonged to Kate. That was their moment. The fire had hit the wall behind Kate, making her turn around and try to distinguish the flames. Everyone except Jamie sprinted to the doors to the stadium. He went to the computer, did some weird nerdy stuff, and ran to Alex with a DVD in hand. Alex gave him a what's that look and he said,
"Tell you later,"
A small wall lay just in front of the doors, making it so that if Kate were to turn back around, they would be shielded from sight. Alex reached it first, and everyone else fell behind her.
The sound of a fire extinguisher ringed in Alex' ears. They had done it. They were only a few steps away from winning their battle against pollution. Behind these doors, were probably the Sharma, Aidan and Smoden. Alex breathed out deeply.
"Okay," she whispered to everyone, "These next few minutes will determine the fate of the world, I don't want anyone doing any stupid or heroic moves, okay? Unless the plan is right. Unless you are 100% certain that you and the person you save will be alive, otherwise, it's been great knowing you guys," They all nodded, and exhaled like her.

Alex creeked open the door. Expecting something like, the cannon, or the Sharma tied to the post. She expected Smoden and Aidan to be readying fire. But the only thing that Alex saw was nothing. The stadium was empty except for the weird gold throne in the middle.
"Well, what does it look like?" Someone whispered from behind.
"There's nothing," she replied. Alex started to walk in. Nothing was even in the seats above the doors. Then Jamie shouted,
"Alex no!"
But it was too late. A rope net scooped her up and hung her by her feet. Next to her were her parents, and a few other people Alex guessed were the other parents. Then the ground broke up and beneath her, a big wooden platform emerged with Smoden, Aidan, the Sharma tied to a post with a gag and the big cannon.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here. I've finally caught up to you, Alex. Take that!!! Ha!" Aidan said.
"You'll have to get through us first," Jamie said, drawing his sword. Aidan turned to him.
"Oh gladly," Aidan replied.
Then all of a sudden from behind the Lords came a stampede of Lapgon children. Now everyone has drawn their weapons and were avoiding and running around. They eventually scrambled to the outer edge of the stadium, leaving one child on one Lord. "Master, can we hold off the cannon for a bit, I want to save the best for last." Alex' friends were holding off well. But Alex knew that they would eventually need her. Who was going to get rid of Aidan if no one had free hands? Okay, she thought, blood rushing to her head. She tried leaning upwards to untie the ropes, but she couldn't reach them. She tried fire to burn them. They were fireproof. She tried getting her bow off her shoulder, but she couldn't reach that either. She wasn't getting out of this, there was no way. Even if she managed to cut or untie the ropes, she was so high up that the fall would break a few legs. Then she realised her parents were next to her.
"Mum? Dad?" It felt weird calling her step dad dad, now that she'd met her real father. They nodded. Her mother had brown hair just like Alex, but her eyes were a light grey. Her step dad had pale skin and brown eyes exactly not like Alex. Then her mother put her finger to her lip as if to say, shush!
What do I do? Alex mouthed.
Her dad mouthed something back like, mat, or chat. Then Alex reailised what he was really saying. Cat. Of course! If Alex was a cat, her feet wouldn't fit in the ropes!
She planned the whole thing out. She would change into a cat, instantly change back, fire an arrow at Aidan mid-air, and either fall to her death or survive. Alright, it was now or never. She exhaled just as she had before she opened the doors. She changed.
It all happened in slow motion. Her feet easily slipped out of the ropes. She changed back into a human and rapidly pulled an arrow. She aimed. Smoden, no. The Sharma, no. Aidan's back, yes.
She let go and fell. Feeling the arrow zip out of her hands. But instead of one scream two came. Aidan howling in pain as the passes through him and into the cannon, and Jamie screaming her name. The cannon made such a big explosion so big that it disintigrated the remaining Lapgon children. Luckily all the Lords had scattered and gone for cover. Squidbrain and Mingyu hid to Alex' left in the the stands, and Vic had flown Chris to the ceiling. Everyone except Jamie who ran and ran to Alex. Alex closed her eyes. Everything was back in normal motion now. Jamie wasn't going to make it. He skidded across the floor on his knees and...

Caught her.

Alex opened her eyes.
"Jamie?" She said.
"Yes Alex," he replied.

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