Chapter 10, Fighting lessons

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The next thing Alex knew was that she was in a dream. Smoden stood to her side with Aidan at the ready. They were in a small field with grey grass, probably just outside the Animagem. They were both wearing oxygen masks, and a glass pane stood in-front of them, protecting them from the blast of the thing next to them. At Smoden's left was the biggest and probably the most high tech thing Alex had ever seen. It was aimed at a specific thing though, a struggling man in a tuxedo was bound by thick ropes to a post. It was the Sharma.
"On my mark," Smoden began, "5,"
"No no no no no," Alex tried to say but they couldn't hear her.
"4,3,2,1, FIRE," Alex turned away just in time to not see the wreckage. She did not dare look, she focused her eyes on Smoden. They uncovered their masks. Aidan cringed, but Smoden looked victorious. "Ha! Try making Lords be reborn now, The "Almighty" Sharma. Ha!" Now she just wanted to run over and kick him in the shins. Only problem was that her feet were glued to the floor. This dream had given her the luxury to see the future, but not to change it. But somehow that's exactly what they needed to do. Now that the Sharma was going to die, they had to keep extreme precaution around him. But now she also knew why Lords keep being reborn, the Sharma uses his "magic" or whatever it is to make new ones when the old ones die.

Alex woke up with her father still laying next to her. She had almost forgotten about that. Good that she didn't because if not she would've walked out of the room, and left him alone, confused and upset. She leaped off the couch, still in cat form. Alex found a window just above the kitchen, hopped onto the bench and looked out. It was night. She had had her first sound sleep in ages. Hours of it too. She felt like a new person. She hopped off the bench and strode over to where her father lay, asleep. Alex hopped back up onto the couch and tried to wake her father up.
"Meow? (Dad?)" He stirred.
"MEOWW!!!, (DAD WAKE UP!!!)" it seemed like she had done that many times on this journey." If they don't answer the first time, then make them" Quoted by her mother. Alex' dad's eyes shot open.

"Meowww? Meoww. (Alex? Oh thank god that wasn't a dream,) meowwww meowwwwwww, (then again if it was a dream, it would mean I would find you soon,)" Her father woke up.
"Mewww? (Change back?)" Alex asked.
"Mew, (sure)" he replied. They changed back. Both thankfully still in their clothes. Her father sighed.
"You look just like your mother," He said.
"Oh we both know that's a lie," Alex replied grinning. Matthew studied her for a bit then said,
"You should join my fighting class, now that we both have the bow of fire, I can teach you how to use it to it's full potential,"
"Yeah, I'd like that,"

They walked down the stairs together, Alex talking about her friends and how they got here, and her father telling her about his life.
"I knew I was a Lord because of the same thing you went through. The blessing. It's the most painful of routes to learning how to change, so of course Smoden used it. And all this is because of a Lapgon child, I wish Smoden would just look at the options rather than just choosing what appears right,"
"Yeah, me too,"
Her father led then to an airplane hanger behind the hotel. Inside were all her friends and a few other trainees. Apparently they wanted to join too. Alex introduced her father.
"This is Mr. McGuire, aka my dad,"
"Hello students and Alex' friends. today I will be teaching you how to use your gift from the Sharma and how to unlock its full potential. As the big day is tomorrow, the Sharma has suggested that you learn to use them. So, who wants to go first?" No one put there hand up, not even Alex. " Okay, then my daughter should so that she can show you how fun using your gifts will be," Alex really hoped her father wouldn't favour her all the time. "Alright, Alex, step up to this line. Right here." He indicated a small white line on the floor. "See that target over there, shoot it." He pointed to a target that hung on the wall maybe 20 metres away. By a large shed, I mean the size of an airplane hanger. Alex got the bow off her shoulder and pulled out an arrow. She clipped it to the string and aimed. A bit shaky at first. But eventually she settled down. Aiming at the bullseye but a little bit higher, Alex let go of the string. Bullseye. In doing so she also set the target on fire.
"Haha! Good job!!! Now, who wants to go next?" Matthew exclaimed.
Everyone's hands shot up. Now having a look at how professional Alex was, they wanted to try themselves. Jamie practiced on a dummy with his sword. Everytime he thrust it forward a beam of light whet ripping holes in the dummy and all the stuffing falling out. "Good," her father would say, Mingyu went over and healed the dummy, "Good," King Chris had tied up a dummy in ropes and was now slicing them like they were butter, "Good," Squidbrain had several dummy's placed around her and was doing some sort of tornado spin with her dagger. Causing them all to split in half. "Good," Vic's gift was more intricate. A dozen dummies stood on a row in front of her. She raised her arms up and then threw them in a punching motion. Making a huge lightning bolt shoot out of her necklace and descimate all the dummies. "Good but a little bit op," her father judged.
"What now?" Vic asked. Every single one of them were panting.
"I want you all to step in one of these." He pointed to 6 booths to the side of the building. Everyone did.
"Now tell me, what's your favourite food. "Raw fish!" "Steak!" "Pollen" "Bananas!" "Fish flakes!" "Worms!"
Alex expected something amazing to happen but her father simply said,
"Good because that's what you're having for dinner tonight."
"YAY!!!" Everyone cheered
"Now go back to the hotel and get ready for dinner. Alex you can stay in my room for now. Everyone else, you can go find the Sharma and get your rooms."
That was probably the best lesson on anything Alex ever had. Alex thanked her father, to which he replied with,
"No problem, it's my job,"
Alex went back to the hotel and found a new set of clothes waiting for her. It consisted of a new purple t-shirt, black jeans and black socks. She also found a pair of black, Nike high-tops waiting at the foot of the couch. Ever since the start of this adventure Alex had worn the same clothes but with normal running shoes. These high-tops looked just like the ones she used to play basketball. She put them on gladly. She found her father waiting for her at the door. He somehow changed clothes as well, (a tuxedo now,). Even though Alex had been in his room the whole time. Maybe he just changed in the toilets.
Her father led to the dining pavilion. Now that it was time to eat, three long, red table-clothed tables were laid out in front of it. And empty plates and cutlery were laid out. Each plate had a nametag on it. Making it easier for her to find her seat. She sat next to Jamie and Squidbrain. Who also had new clothes. Right in front of the dining stand was a small round table made for four people: The Sharma, Matthew and two other female teachers, whom Alex did not know the name of. Her father snuck a wave to her, and Alex waved back. Ever since she had first met him, his seemed a bit more happy. They talked for a bit about how amazing their new clothes felt. Then the Sharma cleared his throat and all the talking died down. Alex expected a big hearty speech, and a welcome to the new Lords. But he just said,
"Dig in,"
Alex only just noticed that there were mini train tracks running along the middle of the table. Little carts holding platters delivered food to their recipients. The tracks ran all the way to the kitchen, up the table, and back around again. Alex waited a whole before finally a train came with a platter of raw tuna and chips came chugging up the rails. Everyone are like pigs.
It seemed like hours before dinner finally ended.
Everyone was dismissed. Alex said she would meet up with everyone else, and went to go talk to her father. They decided to take a walk around the campus.
"That was... Interesting," She said.
"It always is the first time you see it." Matthew replied.
"Does the Sharma control the trains too? Because I didn't see any engines in those things,"
"Of course, the Sharma basically controls everyone thing with his mind, he has telekinesis you know. Without him this whole mini-town would crumble to dust."
That must've been a lot of time and effort to keep a whole hotel campus running on your mind. She looked down at the ground and imagined every step she took on the ground giving the Sharma a headache.
Her father looked at her and smiled.
"You should go see your friends, they're nothing without you Alex,"
She didn't have to. But she'd spent a lot of time with her father lately.
Alex power walked over to Jamie, who was standing in a circle with everyone else.
"What's going on?" She asked.
Squidbrain answered for her.
"Well," she began, "I was walking along with Mingyu and talking about how we should go on a date, but, we spotted King Chris and Vic sitting at that picnic table over there," she pointed to a table just outside the food stall, "And I said to Mingyu, "oooh, I wonder what they're talking about," so we skipped over to where they were sitting and asked what they were talking about. Apparently Vic has a big mouth, and blurted out that King Chris and her were going on a date! Now she's all sad because it was supposed to be a secret." Squidbrain finished. Vic had been arguing with Mingyu about it. Alex hated it when people argued for stupid reasons.
"Alright everyone stop," silence, "it's good that you have a love life and all, and no one will make fun of you for it, if they blurt it out then they blurt it out, okay? Now everyone shake hands and be friends. If anything we should be congratulating Vic, so congradulations Vic and King Chris!" They gave three cheers and then everyone went off to bed. But Alex made Vic stay.
"Vic, when you fell off your motorcycle, what happened? Because no one just falls off their motorbike. Especially us."
Vic sighed.
"I saw a weird shadow out of the corner of my eye in the trees along the road. I turned my head for just a second, and hit a pothole, my bike went flying. And I landed head first on the concrete. Why don't we wear helmets? Also, after i woke up and was back on my feet, Eric handed me a slightly scratched pen. I knew it was my motorbike."
Well that explained it.
"Ok, thanks. It makes sense now. You probably just saw Eric swinging in the trees. And don't worry about today, I think you two deserve each other."
"Thanks Alex," and they both walked to there rooms, and prepared for bed. Because the next day was going to be the day that they headed back to the Animagem.

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