Chapter 6, JET!!!

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At The first light of day, Alex woke up. She gathered ingredients from her motorcycle and started to grill some bacon and scrambled eggs. The amazing smell seemed to wake everybody up. Everybody but Squidbrain, as she was vegetarian. Instead Alex had to shake her awake. Luckily she had brought her fish flakes along as a substitute. They eventually sat in a circle eating breakfast in silence.
Alex was in deep thought. She had had a flicker of hope when she woke up. Everybody else's parents had been taken away by Aidan, (Except for Jamie's,), what if Alex' parents had written that note at last minute. Wanting to keep Alex alive while they turned themselves in to Aidan. Maybe that was why her door was locked that day... It was the best her parents could do to keep her safe. Maybe when they go to face Smoden, on the way she could go rescue her and everybody else's parents.
She had learnt a lot in the few days. She had discovered that she was a Lord, met new people and may even have to face an actual super villain. That would be cool, and terrifying. But that was only if they made it that far. Aidan could catch them off guard at any moment.
Halfway through chewing she announced,
"What?" Jamie exclaimed.
Alex swallowed.
"We need to leave now, Aidan knows where we are. He could catch up to us with a bigger and badder army at any moment."
They group all agreed.
"Then let's be off!" She chirped.
They sped through the hole in the wire fence that the group had made earlier, and with Kiarah guiding them. They would hopefully be there before the end of the day.
Wangaratta. What a weird name. Probably some Aboriginal land.
Alex had never really been to the Australian country. Only to Ballarat, for fishing with her dad. This would be her first ever country adventure. She liked to think of it that way instead of the quest that if you fail the world may end.
They soon passed a sign that read "WELCOME TO WANGARATTA"
"We're here!" Squidbrain shouted to the group even though the sign was obvious.
It was a small town, but it gave off a sense of happy.
"Alright Kiarah, do you know where Pine street is?" Alex asked while doing circles around a shopping centre.
"It should be just down there," Kiarah pointed to a road with trees running along its sides.
Alex changed direction and headed towards it. There were speed bumps so she had to slow down. She looked out of the corner of her eye to try and find the number 21.
"17, 19, 21!!!" Kiarah screamed.
Alex skidded to a stop just a few metres outside the house.
"Here we are," Jamie exclaimed.
It was a regular house on a regular street with a not so regular person inside. The group turned their motorcycles into pens and headed to the front door. Jamie was about to knock when,
"Wait! What if he/she has parents? I mean, it is a regular house. We can't just take someone away from their parents," Vic exclaimed.
"Well we don't really have a choice." Alex answered.
Jamie resumed being about to knock when the door flew open and a women kicked out a very tall boy about their age. The boy turned back just in time for him to not notice Alex.
"I don't want you anymore you freak! Why did I have to have you!?!" The women screamed. She then slammed the door and locked it before he could get back in.
The boy sat on his knees facing the door crying. He banged on the door with his fists screaming,
"I'm sorry mother, I was just trying to see if I could be a falcon as well! I didn't mean to scratch sister with my talons,"
"Go away Mingyu!" The Mother cried back, "I never want to see you again!"
The boy gave up with the banging and turned around.
"Ah!" He screamed when he saw the Lords, "Who are you and what do you want with me!?! I don't want to be taken in for research if that's what you're asking,"
Alex couldn't help but feel extremely bad for this boy. At least the part with his parents was crossed off the list.
"We're like you, we want you to come with us," Jamie exclaimed in the gentlest voice he could.
"No, no-one is like me, I am a freak," The boy explained.
"Yes we are, we can do many things like you," Alex said calmly.
"Prove it," The boy asked.
Alex changed into a cat and lit herself on fire, Jamie into a dog, Vic shrunk, (not particularly wanting to show off her bug powers) and Kiarah showed off her wolf tail. Squidbrain didn't change into anything, she simply stared. Alex walked trotted over to her and bit her leg. Squidbrain still stared at the boy. The boy was stunned to see these talents. Except for Squidbrain of course.
"W-well, I guess you are like me,' he changed into a crow, then changed back, then he looked at Squidbrain, "Um, is she okay?"
"She's, uh, a bit weird in the head," Jamie explained.
"오모 당신은 너무 잘 생긴입니다, (Oh my god you are so handsome!)" Squidbrain gasped.
"Oh, why thank you," The boy smoothed back his hair, "당신은 너무입니다, (You are very pretty,)"
Squidbrain fainted, landing on the grass just in front of the veranda. "Oh urr, did I say something?" The boy asked.
"I don't exactly know but I wouldn't worry about it, she'll probably wake up in around an hour. Hopefully." Alex explained.
"Anyway, my name's Mingyu but you can call me JET," JET said.
"Okay Jet, how about we d-" Jamie was about to offer to tell him their story, but JET cut him off.
"No, it's JET," JET complained.
"Okay fine, but to save my voice I'll just call you Mingyu." Jamie decided.
"Ugh, fine."
They sat on the front lawn telling stories. They told their story first and then allowed Mingyu a turn.
"My parents used to adore my talents, they thought I was fantastic! They even got me into a few magic shows! I lived the life of a king. That was until it happened. I woke up one morning to the smell of pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausages and tomatoes. I thought oh no, my mother is stress cooking. So I went downstairs to enjoy what was stress cooked, but I found that my mother was bundled up into a ball muttering stuff to herself. Dad was laying on the couch next to her not moving. "Dad?" I asked, waited for a response, but when none came I turned teary eyes to mother, "What happened to him?" "You did this, this is all your fault. Without you they would never have come for him. They wouldn't have come, they wouldn't have come. If only you weren't here." She tilted her head to face me. "Go to your room and stay there until supper!" I was stunned. I rushed up to my room and changed into a pigeon to hide under my sheets, from everyday then on, I've been locked in my room, and been served food from the tray that gets slid under the door. I felt like a prisoner. So I decided to escape like one, I opened my window and flew out as a pigeon. But my wing got caught on the window. Mother heard me crying out and eventually unlocked my door and yanked me free. That was just before she kicked me out as you just saw then," Mingyu finished.
Alex couldn't help but tear up. She was about to give him a big hug when the sound of screeching brakes and revving engines filled her ears.
"Jamie, are they close?" She asked.
Jamie became a hound and once again picked up his ears. He changed back.
"Very, we will have to leave as soon as possible." He nodded to Alex. She threw him the two remaining pens. One zapped him and the other stayed calmly in his hands. Alex had been wanting to see someone else get zapped, she finally had her wish. The group of 6, Jamie carrying Squidbrain, rushed onto the road and turned their pens into motorcycles. Jamie lay Squidbrain on the ground and smacked her in the face. He did this 3 times before she woke up complaining that it wasn't a school day and her dad shouldn't be waking her up, even though Alex was pretty sure she had never gone to school before. Squidbrain eventually came to her senses, and hopped on her motorcycle. She made sure that it was right next to Mingyu. Then Mingyu tried out his new ride.
"Woah! I finally get to leave this dump! Goodbye mum! Always hated you and your house! If I ever find the guy who killed dad, I will kill them back!" What a heart-warming goodbye.
Alex heard the mum scream back "what???" but it was too late, they were off again. This time with a new person in their little clan of Lords. The next destination was Sydney. Kiarah navigated and they set off to where they hoped was the direction to Sydney.

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