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I wake up and I'm in a dark room tied to a chair with duck tape on my hands and legs what the hell is going on here? How did I get here? Then I see two people come out of the shadows and then tilt their heads and laugh at me I squint my eyes and I finally see their faces it's Daniel and jungkooks stepdad, Daniel grabs my face really hard and forces a kiss upon my lips I start squirming my head around then he gets mad at me then a hand collides across my face I hold in my yelp and Daniel smirks at me

"You like it rough?"
"Fuck you!" I say while looking at him
"Your wish shall be granted" he unties the rope then flips me on stomach he hear him grunting and moaning while ripping my shorts down the middle I can hear him un zipping his pants I start screaming "JUNGKOOK" as loud as I can.

"He's not here darling try dialing the number to heaven" he says as a slams his hard member into me and I cry on disgust. The only person I want right now to save me isn't here, you said you would protect me jungkook! You said you wouldn't let me get hurt . I just knew it was to good to be true I'm always getting hurt I guess that's just how my life goes I'm happy one minute then it all comes crashing down, he's over here enjoying it while me on the other hand i feel disgusted jungkook I love you help me please !

. I feel a pair of hands grab my arm and I open my eyes then jump I start panicking and breathing hard

"It's a dream, I got you I got you" he says while hugging me

"I had a dream that I was little kidnap by your stepdad and Daniel and they killed you jungkook you were dead!" I say as I grab a fist full of his shirt then I start sobbing again boy much harder then I get my composure together and I finish speaking

"Then Daniel raped me" my voice cracks and I hit his chest "I blamed you , you went there to protect me! You left me!" He squeezes me tightly then he kisses my head and kisses me everywhere.

❁ ❁ ❁
Jungkooks POV
Fuck this is breaking my heart I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted to make her scared that she feels like I won't be there for her I will , always will be there for her. I guess I should've just told her instead of thinking I could handle this. Let alone. Not even cam knows my plan or the rest of the guys.

I may seem bad like as a bad boy but for this girl I turn soft I kiss her multiple times on her head "when I said I'm not going to leave you Ariella I meant it, I'm not going to leave you're my life I can't lose that I'll probably go insane" I caress her head as she finally catches her breath and looks up at me

"Do-do you love me?"

I chuckle then grab her hand then kiss it softly "look Ariella I'm not really good with words but believe me when I say this I do love you , a lot actually do you know how it feels to just have you in my arms every night with your sweet perfume tickling my nose and your soft little bunny sores or when you're having a bad dream how tightly you wrap your arms around my chest"

She starts blushing and putting her head down I pick her head up and make her look at me "I just love how you still have that same spark in your eyes when I first kissed you I just love to kiss you just to see that spark again and relive that moment because it long time I've never been this happy my life was pure shit before you came"

She holds my hand and I interlock my fingers with hers " everytime I look into your eyes it makes my heart beat a mile a minute it feels like I took an ecstasy because of you sometimes I purposely get under your nerves just so you can say my name because I love the way my name rolls of your tongue, just hearing your voice is heaven to my ears no need for music just you"

"Jungkook?" She says as her voice cracks
"Let me finish" I kiss her cheek and she nods her head

"Calling you mine is the best thing that has ever happened to me I'm glad I'm happy yet again I never thought that door would open ever again , but damn did you make it happen. And when I finally made love to you as I hovered over your slim thick body damn you looked so beautiful I just couldn't keep my eyes off you I couldn't believe that you were mine in the moment and that time it was different you were different from all the other girls I slept with you made me feel an adrenaline rush you made my stomach have a knot, so yes Ariella I do love you forever and always and nothing will stop me from loving you"

I see her eyes getting watery and she hugs me by my neck and I rub her back a little then kiss her neck softly everywhere I hear her giggling in my ear and it's the cutest shit ever I can stay like this all day.

❁ ❁ ❁
Ariella's POV
I frown as the sun hits my eyes then I roll out of bed and I see jungkook halfway off the bed I pull him back on the bed and press my lips against his then I hop in the shower I come back and jungkook is still in the same position where I left him.

"Get up you lazy child!" I hit him with a pillow and he grabs it then hits me in the face with so much force that it pokes me in the eye

"Ow well fuck you too bitch!" I start walking away until I feel his hand grab my wrist he stands over me and kisses my forehead

"I'm sorry I thought you were someone else , another person use to do that to me"

"It's okay you just hit me in my eye but I'm fine nothing serious" I say while giggling
"I gotta take you to school"

"Missing another day huh bad boy?" I say as I tie my shoes I stand up then and grab my bag from the floor.

"No I have a dentist appointment" he smacks my ass hard and then nibbles on my earlobe I gasp he grips it in his large hands. We walk out the house.

❁ ❁ ❁
Jungkooks POV
After I dropped her off I drove right up to cams house his crew needs to help me he touched Ariella and it's gone to far I hate it he will never come close to her ever again. I pull up to his house then turn off my car we gotta work on something . The sight i saw of her on the ground so helpless and how he was just hovering over her body just makes me so mad it makes my blood boil nobody can do that but me. Today i may show her that i love her and no one else can.

"Hey jun, what's up ?" One of the guys say while looking
"I need to talk cam and you guys"
"Yeah alright come in"

❁ ❁ ❁
One of cam's crew members Justin walks in and smiles at me
"I haven't seen you in forever what made you come back?"

I chuckle "getting help so I won't commit murder"
"How serious is this situation?"
"He sent one of his little rat looking minions to rape my girlfriend, now tell me how serious is this Justin?" I tilt my head at him and he backs up slowly

"Hey hey hey calm down okay don't go ape shit crazy on me alright, okay yeah this is really serious" Justin scratches his head

Cam walks in and sits on the arm of the couch then looks at me "so I got a plan , you may not like it but it's all I can think of"

I clench my jaw up then swallow my pride "what is it?"

"We get your girlfriend to trick daniel and we use one of our mans as a under cover guy so we can find out what's going on in that gang and what they're planning then when can move on from there"

It's a good idea but the part about putting my girlfriend on the line like that makes my stomach turn. I promised her I'd keep her safe , not putting her in danger correction even more danger.

Why did I do this to myself..

Authors note:
So??? How you feel ? I just thought I'd leave another cliffhanger cause that's what I do best😁 lol I love y'all and peace byee!💜


Will jungkook put Ariella out like that?
Will he keep her out of danger like he promised?
Will Ariella get hurt once more?
What else does his stepdad have up his sleeves?

Find out in the next one byee😁💜

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