Chapter 3

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''Miya close them blinds girl before I go blind I said with throwing my pillow at the back of her head. She was sitting on the edge of my bed talking  on the phone. She gave me the middle finger and I got up to start closing the blinds. '' Nope we have some business to handle and I knew that was the only way to get your lazy but up. She was now off the phone and went into my closet to find her something to wear . Within minutes she had her outfit on my bed I hooked my phone up to my speaker and turned on my Pandora and let Cardi B voice fill my room. "So once I get out the shower me and you are going down to see Monty I texted him to and he will be expecting us as well so hurry up love she stripped naked and went into the bathroom to a shower. I grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom that was in the hallway I closed the door and turned on the shower washing every inch of my body except my hair. It took me 10 minutes to wash my body once I got out I wrapped my body in the towel and walked back to my room to flat iron my hair but Miya was sitting on her drying towel in her birthday suit flat ironing her hair. "Miya why do you like being naked so much girl. "Hunny God blessed me with this so ima show it off you got a beautiful body to so be proud ain't nothin wrong with feeling free every once in awhile. " I'm good I said while chuckling I went into my bathroom and flat iron my light brown hair it was finally long to the middle of my back ,Once I finished  I walked into my closet and put on my pink bra I slid on my pink tank top and put on my black short shorts and slid on my all black sandals that wrapped around your leg. I walked out and flipped my hair over my shoulders Miya was dressed in her bleached blue shorts that looked more white with her white tank top she also had on her black sandals that wrapped around her leg. Her long jet black hair flowed long to her butt I unplugged my phone and I grabbed my keys and we both headed out the door and headed to my car. I turned it over and blasted my air conditioner and we were off to see Monty.

I pulled up to his big mini mansion I parked my car next to a gray Hummer. "Damn Monty got a nice crib said Miya while getting out of my car I turned off the car and grabbed my phone. I walked out the car and we both walked up to the door to see his bodyguards. " Hey Miss Diamond and Miss Miya Monty been expecting you. "When you get off call me daddy Miya took his phone from him and put her number in his phone I chuckled and we walked in. The smell of weed hit my nose the further we walked into the house we walked into the large living room and Monty had some blonde woman sitting on his lap when he saw us he pushed the blonde girl up and walked over to me and gave us a hug. "I heard that you wanted to talk to me about something y'all ladies follow me. We followed him down the Hall and into a huge room he sat at his desk and we sat in front of him in two chairs. " So what can I do for my favorite women on this fine day. " Well we have a issue it's Diamond said Miya she needs her own place but the problem is she don't want to leave her mother unprotected she was wondering if you can have your men protect her mom. "Diamond you know I would do anything for you but your mother she's known to get around so even if I try to protect her she's bringing harm to herself. Before I could speak up and defend my self Miya crossed her legs in the chair and looked at him in his eyes with a serious look."Well I don't want Diamond there in that house we had a issue last night and it went almost bad he didn't hurt her because he knew her father. " Look Monty it wasn't that bad I'm here and well. "Look Diamond I will make you a deal if you move out that house I promise to keep your mama safe and check on her plus Jerome he lives a block away so we will protect her but you need to move out. "And ima pretend I didn't hear about that dude at your house cause if your father finds out it he ain't gonna like it. " Yes I will move out good and I will put a word in Jerome's ear to look out for your moms and you while you there until you move out. While we were talking... Jared walked in the door . "I'm sorry to bust in boss but we got a problem .."Excuse me ladies duty calls but I will call you later on Dia to check up on you we all got up and he gave me a hug and Leyla one too. "Jared please escort my beautiful ladies to there car he smiled and we followed the tall light skinned guy to the front door and he walked us to my car. "You ladies be careful thanks Jare you too. We both got in my car and I turned it over ... "So now what? I asked while running my hand through my hair stress was creeping up on me I wanted to get my own place but I'm just not convinced of what Monty told me. "You take it a day at a time but first things first let's go get some food I'm starving I can't believe you would starve me like this baby. I chuckled and we headed off for some food
Once we made it back to the house I turned off the car. "So next step look for you a nice house but I was thinking Dia what if we get a place together we both got good money we can get any place to split the bills up. "I'm down for it Miya now come on let's go in and start looking for our place we both smiled . We both got out the car and headed up to the house where I heard loud moaning coming from upstairs. "I guess your mama didn't learn from last night huh... I shook my head no and we both headed downstairs to the finished basement . I opened up the cabinet and grabbed two of my ipads giving one to Miya . I turned on the t.v and logged into my Pandora and let some music play. "So I was thinking we get a nice house in Los Angeles California it's by your father and at least we won't be in the hood not to mention there houses are beautiful when I seen Monty's crib I was ready to move in with his sexy ass. ''Girl how are we going to afford a mini mansion. "Dia don't worry we can find us a place and we will have a huge welcome home party she said while putting her hands in the air and moving them side ways making a pretend rainbow like. "I like how you think Miya I love you girl... awww I love you too baby now let's make our dreams come true.

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