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Kian's POV

As I sit in my hospital bed I start to remember everything that happened before I went into surgery. I remember crashing. Britt and I had got in a fight and I remember her saying she didn't care about me even if I did. I look around the room and she isn't there. I start to realize that I'm alone.

I need to read between the lines and realize what's fucked up and what's alright. I knew that I had fucked up. Bad.
The past is past though and I can't change what I did wrong.

But I have to talk to Britt.

All the nurses run in the room and the rush me into a room to take this tube out of my throat. I don't remember much but now I am laying in my room alone. The nurse walks in and she starts talking to me but I block out most of what she is saying until I hear one thing that makes me pay attention.

"Your wife Brittany just had two baby boys. Congrats"

"But there is no way I have been here for 9 months and I would remember if she was pregnant."

"Oh well I'm sorry to tell you about this but you have been in a coma for a year now."

I haven't seen my baby girl Toriana, my new baby boys that I don't even know the name of, or my girlfriend. I have missed so much because of a stupid argument that I started. This is all my fault. But I'm still mad. I'm not sure why.

Britt's POV

I sit at home alone with my two boys and my daughter. Toriana has been talking about Kian for countless months and I can't even tell her that he isn't coming back because I don't want to believe it myself. Do you know how hard it is to raise two baby boys. There a few months old now. Matthew is the cutest little baby but don't let that fool you. He has a specific schedul. If you don't follow it have a good time listen to him cry for hours on end. Marcus is different he looks the same as Matthew because they're twins. Obviously. However he is very quiet mostly sleeps, eats, and gets his diapers changed.
Toriana is now 8. She is a beautiful girl. She looks so much like Kian. She has beautiful hazel eyes and her hair is as brown as Kian's and she reminds me so much of him. I breaks my heart every time I see her because just thinking of him makes me upset.

I still have a feeling that he won't want me back. But if I ever get the chance to at least talk to him then that would mean the whole world.

I got a call from the hospital and my heart dropped. I knew that they were going to tell me that Kian had died. I didn't want to answer but something inside me still had a little hope so I answered.

"Hello is this Brittany Lawley?"

"Yes is Kian Okay?"

"Yes he is fine. We just wanted to let you know that he is out of his coma and he has been for a few day. We wanted you to come and get him or sit and talk first whatever is comfortable with you."

"Thank you so much!"
I hand up the phone and I got in the cars with the kids and rove to the hospital.

When I get there I dropped the kids off at the daycare center with Emily my nurse friend that helped me deliver Toriana, Matthew, and Marcus. She's like my best friend that takes care of my kids. For free.

I walked into his room. He was watching tv. I sat down beside him and he just ignored me.

"Look I know that your probably mad at me for what I said and I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I love you Kian. A lot. I know that I messed up and I do things sometimes that makes it seem like I don't care but trust me, you are my world. I messed up with so so badly. I'm so sorry. I'm still in love with you. Toriana misses you. A lot actually. You look a lot like her actually. Every time is see her my heart literally sinks but I have to sit there and act like nothing's wrong for the sake of her heart. She has a heart of gold. Every time she does something wrong she gets this look on her face. The one you have when you mess up. And it makes my heart melt. Your a dad of 3 now. I had two boys. Matthew and Marcus. There only a few months but there beautiful little boys. They sure are two different people though."

I paused because he wasn't even paying attention to me. I knew that he would still be mad at me.

"Are you going to talk to me? Or are you just going to sit there?"

Again nothing. I sat there look at him wating for something.

"Do you know how long I have waited to talk to you? To apologize? I wat ch ed my phone every night hoping that someone would call me and tell me that you were okay. Or dead so I could stop waiting for something that would never happen. I would wait for you to wake up and say that you wanted to get back together. I hoped that you missed me like I did with you. But I'm finally realizing that you didn't miss meat at all, and I'm definitely not what you want. And you know what sucks? Some part of me is saying 'just hold on he still loves you.' But now I know that I never meant much to you anyway."

I got up and wiped cheek to get the tears off. As I walked out of the room I  heard him say something but I could make out what it said. I walked back in.


"You promised that you would never leave me. What happened to that promise?"

"What are you talking about?"

"The night that I got in the crash. You were sitting next to me and you said that your sorry and you would never leave me. Your promise has broke. Your leaving me now and.."


He got really quiet he looked at me as if he was really upset about the fact that I was about to walk out of that room.

"Look I have been wating to talk to you for a year now and I stopped everything to see you and you won't even talk to me. Ya I probably screwed up everything that night before YOU left me. But I apologized for that. You have seemed to forget that you have cheated on me twice now, you've done several things withought tell me, you barely raised our daughter, and you don't seem to care about any of that. The only thing that your concerned about is a FUCKING PROMISE!"

He looked at me and I saw a tear fall down his cheek. He was upset and I honestly didn't care at this point.

"Do you know how hard it has been to raise 3 kids with no help. Do you know how hard it is to tell your daughter that daddy isn't coming home. To have to look at her alone is hard enough because she looks exactly like you. You stabbed me Kian and you pretended like you were the one who was bleeding."

I started to walk out of the room and kian yells "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?"

"Home. Call your mom for a ride home because I'm not your wife anymore and I never was. I don't know you anymore. As you said to me 'Fuck you for making feel like you loved me and then turning around and leaving.' Except your not leaving me this time. I am."

I walk to the door and say "Goodbye Kian."

I walk out of the room and I can hear yelling name. I keep walking and I start to cry. I back up against a wall and slide down it as I cry. I could feel my chest tightening and the walls felt as if they were coming in. Reality hit me like 1,000 bricks. All at once.

I have to take care of 3 kids alone. I've been doing it for a while now so, I'm sure I can manage. My love story with Kian is over.

I'm not complaining but some part of me is just hoping that we can get back together. I have more important things to worry about now.  Toriana, Matthew, and Marcus are more important than him right now.

This love vacation has come to an end and now it's time to go home.

I think I'm going to write another book. Vote so I know you want another book!!

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