chapter three

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Your First Fight: Darry

{{there was no Darry GIF so I had to settle for just Patrick}}

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{{there was no Darry GIF so I had to settle for just Patrick}}

*Your POV*

"You promised!" I exclaimed. "I've been planning this for weeks you promised you'd be available!" Today was our one year anniversary and I had planned an entire, romantic night for us. I'd put WEEKS into planning and he'd canceled. Last minute too!

"I'm sorry, babe, but i need the money," he said. "There was a shift opening and I took it. We're falling behind on bills and if we don't pay we loose the house."

"Than let me pay!" I exclaimed. "I've got money, Dar! I can pay! But come on you promised me you'd go on this date!"

"Unlike you, I've got to worry about my future," he snapped. "I don't get everything handed to me on a silver platter."

I stared at him. "Darry..."

"Save it," he snapped. "I don't need pity. I need to work. Not go on stupid dates with stupid girls."

"I am NOT stupid!" I argued.

"Really?" he snapped. "Then how come the only way you pass Chemistry this year was by fucking the teacher?!"

People always thought it was weird, Darry dating a girl still in school. He was 20, and I was 18, so it was okay. I was graduating this year.

I gasped. "I told you that in confidence, Darry," I squeaked. "Not so you could use it against me."

I didn't think Darry would ever hold that against me. The teacher had practically forced me to do it, saying I'd repeat if I didn't. What was I supposed to do?! Fail?! I've never failed a class in my life and I didn't plan on starting.

"Yeah?" he retorted. "Smart people don't have to fuck the teacher to pass."

I screamed in frustration and slapped him. "Don't ever speak to me again!" I yelled and stomped out.

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