chapter 7

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You're First Fight: Steve

You're First Fight: Steve

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*Your POV*

The cold autumn wind stung my face as my hair blew back. I walked down the crumbling cement sidewalk to Steve's house. I'd just bought us a new 'toy.'

{{ 😉😉😉😉

I'd been working a few extra shifts at the DX to cover for some bills and I had needed up with a bit more than I thought I'd have. So... I bought something both of us would enjoy.

Today, I was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and black t-shirt, complete with black leather boots and my leather jacket. But underneath that I had on a beautiful, sexy, new red lingerie. I knew Steve would love it.

He always loved it when I wore matching bra's and pantie's, or lingerie, or something ever border-line sexy.

I knocked on his door. "Stevie!" I called out, in my sing-song voice. No answer.

I frowned and knocked again. "Oh, Stevie!" I called again. "I have a present for you and I think you'll love it!" No answer. I huffed.

I'd made a little extra money at work the past few weeks so I decide to buy someone Steve and I both would enjoy.

I knocked a third time. "Steve!" I yelled. Still no answer. Damn it, what could be wrong! 

I pulled the spare key out from under his welcome mat and opened the door.

"Steve?" I said, a little loud. I heard something upstairs. I smiled and went up to his room.

"Oh, Stevie..." I said. "I have something for-" I stopped. The noises I were hearing were strange. Moans, grunts...

I burst through the door. I saw Steve and some girl, fucking. My eyes filled with tears. "You son of a bitch!" I screamed, before stomping out into the street.

I started running and sobbing all at once. I heard foot steps behind me. Steve. I didn't listen- I just ran and ran and ran until I tripped and fell. I skinned open my knee and broke my wrist.

Steve kneeled next to my and picked me up. I didn't object, because I was hurting so much, but once we were at his house, he'd get a piece of my mind.

Steve carried me into his bathroom and sat me on the counter. He put medicine and a bandaid on my knee and wrapped my wrist with medical tape.

"[Y/n]..." he started. I cut him off.

"No," I snapped. "No. You don't get to tell me what happened or why or anything until I speak." I paused. "How could you?! We've been together of seven months! Seven! And you CHEATED on me?! How long has this been going on?!"

He looked away. "Nine months," he said.

"Nine?!" I exclaimed. "You dated her FIRST and then dated me and kept us BOTH?!" He nodded sadly. "You disgust me Steve Randle."

"I'm sorry!" he exclaimed. "But hear me out. Please?"

I huffed. "Fine."

"I couldn't break up with her," he said. "I couldn't. Not when I fell in love with you and not when I fell out of love for her. She's got an awful life. Me leaving her would be the end of it all. She- she'd kill herself. I know she would. I can't do that to a person."

"Well you're going to have to," I said, sternly. "Because you've lost both of us. Even me. I don't care how in love with me you are. I don't care what you thought you had to do for her. But you've lost me."

Steve gasped and tears formed in his eyes. "Babe..."

"No! Not 'babe'!" I yelled, tears in my eyes too. "No! I'm not your babe. I'm not your anything anymore. I'm not your friend, I'm not your sex toy, I'm not your doll and I'm certainly not your girlfriend anymore! I'm not going to be with a... a cheating man-whore for the rest of my life! Because if I forgive you now, I forgive you the next time. And the next. And the next. And the next. And always! You'll ALWAYS be able to take advantage of me if I let it slide so I'm not going to!" I slid the promise ring he bought me off my finger. "Take it back. Obviously promises are just lies to you."

I turned on my heal and stalked out.

The only times I ever saw Steve again was at work. We still had some shifts together and we still got along rather well but I never gave him a second chance.

{{sorry for the sad ending 😕 but I liked it and I hope you did too!!

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