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My name is Angel Harvard.I am 19 years old and a soon to be family has been hunters ever since the late 1900's.The second longest family to ever hunt,Every one knows who the first family is.I am Bobby singers apprentice.Bobby singer is a sweet old man and a pretty bad ass hunter,He is good friends with my father and he agreed to train me as his appreciate until I could go on as my own.It is the family business after all.

As I walked to Bobbys front door with my suit cases and my cell phone I stopped and heisted,What if he doesn't like me? What if I come across to help less? Useless? Hell,I don't even know if I knock on his door or just barge in.I ran my fingers through my brown hair witch I had straightend this morning.

I desided to knock on the door just to be polite,We don't want him to have any bad thoughts about me yet.I Hurd a voice tell someone to answer the door and four seconds later a tall man with green eyes and light brown hair wearing a blue plaid shirt and jeans opened
the door.

"Who are you?" He asked
"Um I am Angel.Im looking for Bobby singer" I said nervously.He was actually kind of hot.
"Ah angel come in sweet heart before you freeze out there.Dean let her in" a man said coming to the door.Im guessing it was Bobby."Thank you" I said bringing my suit case in the old rustic house."see boys.Maybe she will rub of some of her politeness off on you" Boys? I mean I already saw the green eyed man,Dean I think his name was.But I see no other man." Ah Bobby don't be that way! Me and Sam are a joy the be around" Dean said walking into a room with a couch.Im guessing his living room."Now sweetheart I have to go make sure Dean doesn't burn down my house" Bobby stopped his sentience and let out a small chuckle."But Sam can help you to you're room" Sam?.Im guessing that Him and Dean are friends with Bobby. "Sam come and help her to her room" Bobby yelled.a minute later a tall,long brown haired man wearing plaid came out of the room Dean went into."Hi err Angel right?" Sam asked "Yes that's me"
"Alright follow me" Sam said walking up the stairs.

The room Bobby gave me is panted light gray and there is a pretty flowery blanket covered on the bed.All I can see when I turn around is book shelves filled with books.I love it."Do you like to read?" Sam asked picking up a book on one of the book shelves." Yes! People at my school thought I was crazy becuse I used to spend all of my time in my school library." I said picking up a book from the floor it read:Roman History "that was probably my best subject" Sam said grabbing the book from me."Hey Sam,I know this kind of a personal question but,What is your last name" Sam looked up from the book that he grabbed from my hands "Winchester.Why" omg.Of course there was a Sam and Dean in Bobbys house,And then there's the is the and I mean THE Sam and Dean.Rember how my family is the second longest family to ever hunt? Yeah the Winchesters beat us by 5 years."Oh you know just wondering."
"Okay well I will let you get settled.Also me and Dean are leaving in the morning so don't be surprised if you wake up and we are gone."
"Dose Bobby usually go with you?"
"What oh no.He stays here" Sam said putting the book back on the shelf.
" hey while your here maybe you could try taking away at least some of Bobbys drinks.Me and Dean have tried but it never ended well"
"Then why make me do it?"
"Because he legally can't hurt you."
"Wow your pretty smart for a hunter" I said Putting my hands on my hips
" yeah well I have always been.I also went to college a few years back.Pre law.Dean dragged me out though, family problems" Sam said putting his hands into his pockets.
"Well it was nice meeting you Sam" I said holding out my hand for him to shake it.
He shook my hand."likewise"
Then he left me alone in a room filled with books.My own little heaven.

"So who is she Bobby" Dean asked taking a sip of his beer.
"A friend of mines daughter.Charles Harvard.Hunter.Her mother died when she was 12 and her father 3 years after that.Poor child's father was taken from her before she even knew how to hunt."
Bobby said from his desk.
"Ah.Any siblings? Relatives?"
" Brother Frances.35.Moved to Australia  to get away from it all. "
"Damn.So you are literally her last hope" Dean said with what sounded like sympathy in his voice.
They Hurd Sam coming down the stairs. "Hey how'd it go?" Bobby asked "girls a total Book worm.And Bobby,She loves the room"
"I'm glad to hear" Bobby check led his watch."damn it's 2:30.I should hit the sack.I would too if I where you boys.We are done researching for the night and you boys have to leave in 5 hours" Bobby said walking up stairs. "Good night Bobby" the Winchesters said at the Same time." Well I'm going to bed.I call the couch" Sam said running to the couch.Not only where his legs longer but he was also sitting the closest to the couch as well." Awe come on man! The floor is so uncomfortable"
"suck it up Dean" Sam said rolling over.

I woke up the next morning to the smell of food.I looked at my phone it was 8:45 Sam and Dean already left.I went down stairs to find a huge stack of pancakes on the table along with syrup and a little tray of butter be side it.along with a note

Hey kid,Had to go get a few things from town.Dont worry I should be back around 10 ish.Made breakfast.Hope you like pancakes
P.S Sam left his laptop here so he should be coming to pick it up.If the phones ring answer em and just pretend that you are whatever it says on the phone.
Well what am I supposed to do now.I grabbed a pancake and a plate and made a smiley face with the syrup.Yeah I guess I should let my little kid out while I still can.As I was reaching for my second pancake a Hurd the front door open."Hey Bobby it's me" oh it's Sam."Hey um Bobby left for a but he will be back soon" I said going into the entrance way."Oh hey Angel" Sam said
"Hello Winchester" I said grabbing my phone from the counter." Hey Sam can you close the door?" Sam closed the door and came into the kitchen." Oh man,If Dean saw this he would flip" Sam said gesturing to the pancakes." Hm yeah He seems like the type.So your laptop is over on Bobbys desk. It's covered by a drawing of synonyms" I said sitting back down."Thanks" Sam said.He walked away and I started putting my happy face on my pancake." Hm happy faces,Cute" Sam said leaning over my shoulder."oh yeah it is just something I do" I shrug and start eating my pancake."well I have to go,Catch you later Pancake" Sam said walking away." My names Angel" I yelled at him."Not anymore" he yelled back.To be honest,I kinda liked this life

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