Strange things have happend here part 2

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📚📚📚Sam P.O.V📚📚📚
I have been driving in the passenger seat of a random strangers car when everything stops,Except me.
"What The fuck" I whisper.I open the car door and look at the street sign
Welcome to Lawrence Kanas
Out of all of the places,It had to be Lawrence Kanas.I walk along the highway,It feels odd not having Cars going by and all of the noise.
"I could get used to this you know Sam.Just me,And you." I turned around to see Lucifer standing behind me.
"You aren't real" Sam has been seeing lucifer again lately.And it wasn't exactly pleasant.
"I am real in your mind"
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I ran along the highway.Lucifer stood in front of me.
"You see Sam,Since I am in side that little head of yours,Running is going to get you nowhere"
"But it's fun to try!"
"To what? Kill yourself? Be honest with yourself,This isn't going to happen!"
"Fine you want honest.I don't even know what's happening right  now!"
"I do.Angel Harvard is missing somewhere in the 1900's and my brother Michael is currently trying to help her.But since she lost her grace a few hundred years ago she needs to go through a hell of a lot of pain.Emotionally, physically  and mentally.In witch has stopped the time frame contemn and only the Winchesters and anything non human can still move"
"You know this how?"
"Hello Novak! We are connected.We know everyone in are family's thoughts"
"That's not creepy"
"Not creepy,Handy"
"Yeah okay.So angel is doing this?"
"That's what I said didn't I?"
"Okay so she has to do all of this just to get back here? Why can't your brother just zap her back here?"
"Michael is having some angel power issues right now"
"Then he can fix them!" Damn,Angel being missing is making me sound like Dean.
"It's not that easy Einstein"
"What,Do you need a little book,Maybe some lighted candles? Maybe we could hold hands and sing Kucumbiya!"
"Actually you need the blood of God and a bible and you have to pour it on the said angel while reading page 6 of the bible"
"Sounds boring"
"Something we can agree on"
"Do you have anything more fascinating then bothering me?"
"No not really,I cleared my schedule just for you"
"Lovely" I said as I walked into the town I was raised.The town I never thought I would ever have to come back to.

💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻Angel P.O.V💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
I hurt everywhere.My back,Lungs,Arms and legs,even my head hurts.Michael has been every helpful through this whole process,Except for the fact that I have spent three days trying to get out off the 1900's.We first tryed my biggest fear(Heights) and when that failed we tryed making the same type of world Gabriel did to me,Except Sam and Dean die everyday.That failed.We tryed dehydration and food starvation,Stabing me thousands of times and not healing me all the way,Drowning,Electric shock,getting hit by a train(Ironic isn't it),Flying,Diying,ripping out my heart,Sleep deprivation.
"Michael this isn't working.Maybe I should just stay here"Michael was trying out his new idea,Dropping a piano on me.
"No angel this will work!"
"Michael you have used up half of your already weakening power just to bring me back to life thousands and thousands of times"
"Shut up,This  will work"
"Please Michael,Face the fact that I am stuck here"
"No! You are not stuck here! You just have been pushed enough to go back to your time frame"
"I haven't been able to go to ANY time frame" Michael puts his head against the wall.
"Angel,I think I know how to get you back"
"No more torcher!"
"No more torcher,You got here by feeling sad and mad.Maybe you can get back feeling the opposite."
That might work.I mean it's worth a shot.
"But what's the opposite of mad?"
"Calm! It's calm!"
"Okay just let me think about this for a while.I will get back to you"
He grabbed a pen and a piece o paper.He better hurry up fast.I hate it here.

🍔🍔🍔Dean P.O.V🍔🍔🍔
Sam left six hours ago.And time has frozen.Nothing makes sence anymore.I sit in the Impala trying to take all of it in.Sam left,Angels somewhere,Everyone and everything is frozen.I decide to text Sam.

Dean:Hey Sam.So I was just wondering,Are you frozen right now?Is everything around you frozen? Also I am sorry about everything I said.I just miss her.
I click send and wait for an minute.Five minutes.Ten minutes.Half an hour.Damit Sam! Answer your damn phone!.I look around for the nearest diner.I see one a few minutes away.I walk into the diner and I see that everyone is frozen.Go figure.I walk over to the cash register and I see a red light.Damit a camera.I walk over to the bathroom and think.What would Sam do? He would use his smart ass brain to help us out.What would Angel do? Probably obey whatever Sam and me tell her to do.What would Bobby do? He would call me an Idjit right now.What would dad do? Dad would find the wire and cut it.I walk out of the bathroom and use my knife in my pocket to cut the wire.The red light flashes off.My phone buzzes and I see a text from Sam.

Sam:I am sorry too.Yes everything and one around me is frozen.
Dean:Where are you?
Sam:Lawrence Kanas
I stare at the phone screen.Lawrence Kanas.
Dean:Okay Sam I will be there in at least an hour.Dont kill yourself.
Sam:Wouldn't dream of it.
There fight might not have been forgotten,But like all things,It was in the past.

💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻Angel P.O.V.💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
Michaels idea was amazing.He of course wanted it to be a surprise,So he only told me bits and pieces.from what I knew he was taking me dancing and we where having dinner at a very fancy restaurant.
"Angel are you ready?" Michael asked me as he knocked on the door of the room I was staying in.
"Ready as I will ever be" I open the door to see Michael in a tux with a blue tie.I smile.
"What is it?" He asks
"The tie.It reminds me of Cas" you pick it up and twirl it around a bit.
"Hey this isn't mine! Be careful"
You look down at your dress.It was a beautiful blue gown that reminded you of the human version of Disneys Cinderella.Michael takes out his arm and you rap your arm around his.
"So what's first?" You ask him.
"Dinner.Dancing.Then the surprises."
"What type of surprises?"
"The type that surprises people"
You enter a lovely building and you sit at a table and look at the menu.
"God this stuff is so expensive" You see a familiar food.
Plain lettuce leaf Salad $23.80
"Your right.But it's worth it"
"Probably" the waiter takes your order and you order the salad you saw earlier with a glass of champagne.You and Michael have small talk and when your food gets to the table you are silent for the rest of the meal.
🕙Time skip to the surprises🕝
After Michael took you to dinner you went dancing.And you have to say,It was one of the funniest things you have ever seen.Michael did not know how to dance.He kept flailing his arms around and eventually got us kicked out.
"Surprise time now?"
"Yes surprise time" since it was winter it was snowing.Michael grabs a snowball and throws it at you.I instantly make two and I throw them back at him.
"Oh you are on pancake" he growls
It felt nice to hear someone call you that.It felt like you where home.

📚📚📚Sam P.O.V📚📚📚
I was walking with Dean down the street when everything started moving.At first,Me and Dean didn't notice.And then we did.
"Sam everything is moving again!"
"I can see that"
"Do you know what that means?"
"Nether do I" he said kicking a rock.
"It means Angel is coming back dumbass!" Lucifer said.I smile.Not at The cars or the people moving.Not at Dean being totally clueless.Not at lucifer.But at the idea of Angel coming home.

💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻Angel P.O.V💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
You and Michael had just finished your snowball fight and where going skating.He was quite good at it,You not so much.He put his arm around yours and he started slowly gliding across the ice.You look at him and your heart starts to melt.He kisses you.You pull away smiling. You where leaning to get another kiss when you had a quick flash of nausea.The world you know starts to spin and Michael quickly disappears.Replacing Michael was two familiar faces.The Winchesters.
"Angel!" They say at the same time.They hug you and Dean looks at you suspiciously.
"You where gone forever and you didn't even think about bringing pie?"You laugh at him and hug him.You missed them.And they missed you.

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