Feelings are over rated

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🌙🌙🌙Writers note🌙🌙🌙
OL stands for Ompa Lumpa.You know from Charlie and the Chocolate factory.
I was laying on the dirty motel floor when I Hurd a small knock on the door.I grabbed my gun off of the kitchen table and slowly opened the door.
"GARTH!" I hugged him for probably a minute.
"Hey  Ompa Lumpa" Garth said hugging me back.
"Please come in" I moved away from the door and sat down on one of the dining table chairs.
"Thanks OL.I was wondering where the Winchesters where" Garth said grabbing my gun from the table and examing it.
"They left on a hunt.They will be back Wendsday" I walk to the pathetic kitchen and get a glass of water.
"Damn it's-" Garth looked at his phone."Saturday"
"Yep I know.But maybe I can be of assistance"
"Well I have a little bit of a-Issue"
"Have you ever hurd of a vampire/Werwolf?" Garth asked
"Um are we talking about Twilight?"
"No Sweetie.We are talking about a rare breed of monsters"
"Well how do ya kill em?"
"That's the thing.Ive tryed the whole sliverbulet B.S. And it didn't die.They also don't get hurt if they go in sun light."
"Wow.I see why you need the Winchesters.Should I text Dean or Sam?"
"Yeah.That would be great"
I grab my phone from my jacket pocket and text Dean

Angel:hey so there's this thing in a book im reading.Theres these vampire/Werewolf things.They don't die like how they would normally.So how would one kill one?
Dean:Angel are you high?
Angel:No I'm fine.Please answer my question.
Dean:Um idk research.Goggle exists for a reason.
Angel:So ask Sam?
Dean:yeah basically
Angel:Well thank you Mr.Helpful!
Dean:Glad to be of assistance*bows* *gets thrown billions of roses*
Angel:The only thing that will be getting thrown is you.Into a moving car.
Dean:hey that has happened to Sam before.I have also Aperntly died in a shower once.
Dean:tragic I know
Angel:very.Well gtg die now
Dean:okay bye pancake

"Well?" Garth asked looking at me with a hopeful look.
"Dean knows nothing"
"Well we all knew that"
"Point.God I have missed you G"
"Missed you too Angel"
"I'm gonna text Sam.The remote is right there if you want to watch Tv" I said pointing to the ground.
"Thanks Ompa"
"Thank goodness only you call me that"
Angel:hey Sam.Um so I read this book that said something about werewolves/Vampires forming into one.It says that they can not be killed they way you would usually kill a vampire or werewolf.So how would one kill one?
Sam:Um I would say pour pure demons blood onto a sliver knife that MUST be kept in sun light all day and stab them with it.
Angel:Thank you you are so helpful.
Sam:But hey,That's just a guess
Angel:Guess or no guess still helpful.I gtg bye Sam.Have fun with Dean.
Sam:He is currently blasting Heat of the moment on repeat.
Angel:I'm telling Dean that you are being mean!
Sam:No angel don't!
Sam:Angel Gregory Harvard

"Okay Sam said that we must find pure demon blood and put it on a sliver knife that has been in sunlight all day"
"Pure meaning?"

Angel:Right something you and Dean are not.
Sam:Hey you aren't eather!
Angel:Actually I am
Sam:Wow.So you are a virgin that sends nudes?
Angel:So you're a kind caring person one day and a dick the next?
Sam:you know what whatever
Angel:Wait Sam
Angel:where would I find a 'pure demon'
Sam:hold on
Angel:Well hurry I do t have all day.
Sam:Dean says Meg hasn't ever

"Virgin demon  blood"
"Wow he had to make it so hard" Garth said scrolling through 32 tv channels
"Since when is this job ever easy?"
"Before I ever met Bobby and the Winchesters"Bobby.One simple word.So much pain.
"Oh crap! I'm sorry Angel I forgot"
"No,No it's okay.It just kinda hurts still" I say bitting at my nail
"Yep I hear ya.I can barely drive passed a liquor store without memories of him"
"I so totally understand"
"Feelings are overrated" Garth says as he is emptying out the battery's in the remote.
"Um what are you doing?"
"I am getting new battery's.You want to come?"
"Nah" I say shoving cookie in my mouth.As Garth leaves I have a sudden urge to drink at least a beer.Well why the hell not? Sam and Dean aren't here.I grab a beer from my bag and open it.I place it on the side table and stare at the tv,They are playing re-Runs of Glimore girls.Garth has been gone for about half an hour,Maybe I should text him.

Angel:Yo Gartho
Garth:Hey OL
Angel:Sooo I was wondering
Garth:Ah that is always the mysterious thing about Hunters.
Angel:Garthy please tell me.
Garth:Fine! But only because I can feel your puppy dog face from my phone screen.
Angel:hehe me 🐶
Garth:Um okay,I am in a Walmart 7 blocks from the motel.

I look over to the parking lot to see a tiny blue car.Please be unlocked.I grab my jacket Dean gave me because it shrunk in the wash.I put my gun into the inside pocket and my phone in my back pocket of my jeans.I slip on my converse sneakers an walk out of the motel.Lock it or not lock it? Not lock it,there's nothing valued in there.Wait,There is!.I run back into the room and place Bobbys hat on my head.No there's nothing valued in this room.I walk to the car and open the door.Yes it isn't locked.I climb in and try to hot wire it.On the fifth try I get it to start.I drive for 10
Straight minutes until I get to a rest stop.I see the Walmart,I get out of the car.And I see a flash of white.I feel me getting hit by something and hitting the ground,everything is black.
-------Dean P.O.V---------
my phone goes off with texts,4 from Garth,3from Charlie and 6 from Cas.Why is Cas texting me? What's wrong?I call Garth right away.He doesn't answer,I call again,This time he answers on the fifth ring

"Dean!Im so glad you called" I hear Garth crying in the background.
"Garth,What's wrong?!"
"It's Angel.She got hit by a car"
I pulled the at over.
"What is it Dean?" Sam asks
"I was in Walmart and she-She didn't see the car."Garth says.I hear people shouting in the background.
"Is Charlie there?" I snap
"And Castiel,Kevin and even Gabriel"
"What hospital?"
"Mary Grantham.397 Furwood"
I Hang up the phone and drive to Mary Grantham.Why Pancake? Why not me?
"Dean where are we going?"
"Little change in plans Sammy.Angel decided to be road kill"Why is my way of dealing with stuff always making jokes?
"Road kill?"
"She was hit by a car Sam" I said looking at him.He wheat from looking confused to sad to eyes watering.
"How-why?" He asked wiping his nose.
"Why are you crying?"
"Angel was hit Dean.Shes like a sister to me"
"Hey,She is like that for me too.But she is going to be fine,She's angel! She has been cut,scraped,shot,nearly killed one billion times.And she's still kicking.I doubt that getting hit by a car is going to do anything to her"
Sam looked at me.
"How can you be so sure?" He asked wiping another tear away.
I'm not Sammy,Not one bit.
"Because She's Angel"

After I talk to one billion doctors,I am finally allowed into the room that she was being held in.She looks awful,Cuts,Scrapes,Bruises are found all across her body.I grab her hand."Why not me?" I ask as a tear runs down my cheek.
Why not me?

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