I told you to watch out

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Angels hoddie^
As I sunk into Sams room I didn't realize that this clown costume is uncomfortable,Well that and the fact that Sams door is locked.But since I have been hanging around Sam and Dean so much I can open a lock with my pocket knife.As I turned the knife in the lock I Hurd a click,Let the games begin sam.

I walked slowly to Sams bed and tapped his shoulder.Nothing.Then I started to shake him until he woke up."hmm" he asked.He opened his eyes and all he could see was clown in his face."Hi Sam" I said in my creepiest voice.Sam screamed,Loud.I smiled and walked over to him and gave him a balloon animal I bought this evening." Who-Who are you?" He asked. Ha his face was priceless!.All of the sudden I Hurd a gun behind me.Shit!.

I turned around and I saw Sam with his gun."Dean it's me!" I yanked off my wig so he could see my long  brown hair."Angel! Man I really need to ask you for some pranking advice" Dean said laughing."Angel you are so dead.Dead." Sam said grabbing his gun.
"Shoot me Sam! I dare you." I said,He wouldn't actually shoot me.
" Maybe I should.Eh?" He said smirking.
"Go fuck your self"
"I Do it every night sweetheart" Sam said.I Hurd the barrel in the gun click.He was going to shoot!.
"Woah Sammy,Pancake,Every one take a deep breath" Dean said standing between us.
"Oh I'll take a deep breath alright" I said walking out of Sams room and into mine.

I grabbed my duffel bag and shoved three shirts,Two pairs of pants,socks,Underwear And all of my hunting gear.I changed into a Under Armour hoddie,A pair of leggings and a pair of plain black Nike runners.I took of my face paint and grabbed my cell and it's charger before walking out the door.All I could hear was Sam and Dean yelling.Good,at least there distracted.

I found my way back into town,Somehow.I had to steal Someone's car though.As I walked into a best western I saw a figure in the window of the exercising room.Charlie? "Ma'am  I need your credit card." The man said at the front desk.
I started looking through my pocket in my hoodie.Found it.I handed the card to him.
"William Hamillaed ?"
"Yes that's my father" I said stuttering.
He handed the card back to me along with a pair of keys."Room 9 third floor"
I thanked him and ran up the stairs to my room.The elevator would have taken to long.Besides if I was still with Sam and Dean Sam would make me run with him every morning.So running doesn't really matter anymore.

My room was tacky.I mean I have stayed in motels with Sam and Dean before,And they where better than this dump!.The lamp Doesn't even turn on and the tv is stuck on the history channel.Crappy.I placed my bag on my bed and put my hair up in a ponytail.I decided that I had to go see Charlie,I mean she's Charlie!.As I got to the exercising room I saw Charlie still on the treadmill.I walked over to her and stood there until she saw me.She looked up and then she turned the treadmill off and hugged me."Hey pancake" she said letting go of are hug.
"I truly hate that nickname" I said checking my phone.Ugh 11 messages.One from Sam,Ten from Dean.Charlie looked at my phone the quickly grabbed hers and started typing.Then I got a text.

Charlie:Well someone's popular
Angel:Why are you texting me.You are literally right beside me
Charlie:but this is funner!
Angel:Don't care.
"So Angel where are those things that I'm pretty sure aren't human?" Charlie asked me with a scary grin on her face.
"Who,hell hound and Winchester?"
"Oh I ran away"
"What.Sweetpea tell me what happened"Charlie said opening the door to out into the main lobby."Oh Mrs there is a man on the phone waiting to speak with you,He says it is urgent" The man who helped me earlier said to Charlie.She clearly got the look on my face"I'm the owner" she said walking into her office.I only knew that because it obviously said her name on the door. I sat down on one of the chairs as she answered the phone.
{{{{{{{{{{{{{Charlie POV}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
"Hello it's Charlie" I said cheerfully
"Charlie it's Dean.Angel is gone"
"Yes I know."
"How? Is she with you?"
"Hold on"  I said pressing hold
"Hey so Dean was on the phone.Do you want me to tell him where you are?" I asked Angel.
"Not Dean.Tell Sam.Wait no let me call him" she said taking out her phone.
I pressed Un hold and I Hurd Sam and Dean yelling
"Hey Dean.Sorry about that.A little electronic problem up front" 
"So is angel with you?" Dean asked.I Hurd Sams  phone ringing in the background.
"No,She did post something on Facebook saying something about her going back to Canada." I only said that because I know nether Sam or Dean have Facebook.
"Damit" well I have to go bye Charlie"
"Bye Dean"

--------NORMAL POV-------
"Hello?" Sam asked.he only didn't know who I was because I changed my phone number.
"Hey Sam it's me.Its pancake" I said cringing at the nickname.
"Pancake are you alright?!"
"I'm fine,However don't tell Dean I called.You know how he is"
"I don't know pancake,You dressed up as a clown and came into my room at night."
"Sam I told you to watch out.You should know by now that I'm not just a big bag of jokes"
"Yeah,I should have caught on to that the day you made pie for Dean and put hot sauce in it.That was genius by the way"
"Thanks.But just don't tell Dean I called or where I am"
"But I don't know where you are."
"Okay whatever pancake.I hope you took your hunting gear with yo-"
The next thing I Hurd was Dean coming out of the cabin."Sam,Angels going to Canada!" Dean yelled
"Oh well then we should go.Um I'm sorry Jared but I have to go look for my friend Angel.In CANADA" sam snapped.
The next thing I knew the line was blank.Silent.Dead.

I have stayed in the hotel  for over 3 weeks now.Calling Sam every day.Today i decided that I was going to go back to Sam and Dean and my bed and the crappy tv and Baby,Dean keeps on looking at me weird all the time now because he thinks I'm going to go and steal her.as I say good bye to Charlie and thank her she hands me something small.I look down at what she placed into my hand.It was a bracelet with a whole bunch of  symbols dangling from it.In the middle it said:Angelic.people may call me Pancake,But Charlie liked to call me Angelic."Thank you Charlie"
" no problem kid say safe" and with that I walked out of the door.

"Thank you Charlie" " no problem kid say safe" and with that I walked out of the door

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