Heaven vs. Hell

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You woke up to being dressed in white.You never wore white,It was tacky.
"Hello,Are you Angel Harvard?" A lady in asked you.She was quite pretty,She had brown hair that was in a small bun and she had on a blue suit jacket and pencil skirt.
"Yes I am"
"We have Hurd many things about you.Please come this way,The boss would like to meet you" She said waving you along to follow her.She took you down white corridors and buildings until you got to a large building with massive doors.
"This is it.Now you just walk in there and tell your name to Lisa and you will be all set" the lady said walking away.
"Wait,I never got your name!" You called.
"Naomi"she called back.You smiled and turned back to try doors.You let out a small sigh before opening them.Inside everything was gold and white.
"Hello how may I help you?" A girl asked.Her name tag red:Anna
"I'm looking for Lisa" you said.
"Lisa,A lovely girl is here to see you!" Anna called before walking away.Soon there was a new face in front of yours.
"Angel Harvard" you said to Lisa.He face went a shade lighter than it already was.
"Oh follow me,The big guy wants to meet you" she said grabbing your hand.She seemed more friendly then Namoi and Anna.Lisa brought you to a door.What is up with these People and not actually coming into the room with you?.
"Go in there and Chat with Chuck.He can't wait to meet you." Lisa said opening the door for you.You step inside to see a basic room,Nothing like the building it was in side of.On a small wooden desk sat a man wearing glasses sitting in front of a laptop.He looked up at angel.
"Angel?"He asked moving towards you.
"Yes sir?"
"Oh now don't get all formal on me.What in my name are you doing here?" He asked hugging you.who is this man?Angel thought.
"I um died"
"You what!" He pulled away from the hug and went back to his laptop.
"Time of death:11:46 eastern time.Cause of death:Shot to death.Why didn't you pray for someone?" He asked you.i swear for some reason it seems like he cares about me.
"I did,Cas never came"
"You prayed to Castiel.Why wouldn't that boy come if you called?" He questioned.
"I don't know.If I may ask,Who are you?"
"Why I am your father"
"No my father is dead.In hell"
"You are a Angel.Why do you think your parents named you that?"
"Wait,Your Castiels,Gabriel's,Michaels,
Bazathars,Lucifers FATHER!"
"Yes,And I am your father also"
"Ok just give me a minute to process this"
My parents aren't my real parents
I'm died
In heaven
I'm standing in front of God
God is my dad
"You where also my favourite child" he said grabbing a little bottle."so I am going to send you back.But not as a human"
He opened the bottle before you could protest,The blue mist swirled around you and entered your mouth.He chuckled*gag* and he threw the little bottle into a drawer in his desk.
"What did you do to me?" You put your hand on your throat.It felt different,You felt different.
"Angel that is your grace.The exact same grace you lost centuries ago" chuck said handing you a pair of jeans,a pair of Black converses and a blue tank top.
"Change.Over there" he pointed to a corner.You trotted to the corner and changed.You came out behind the corner and chuck have you another hug.
"Say Hello to my children for me.And look out for Micheal,He's pretty sneaky."Chuck said letting go of you.
"If Micheals sneaky then what would you categorize Gabriel as?"
"A pain in the ass"
"Isn't it a sin to swear"
"Oh sweetie,I dot give a damn about sins.The ANGELS do"
"If I may ask,What was my name.My angel name?"
"My name is Hailvee? What kinda name is that!"
"So are you goi g to stick with Angel?"
"Yes please"
"Ok.Now I am going to warn you it's going to hurt falling" chuck said.
"It's ok,I deal with the Winchesters.I can deal with anything" you say laughing.
"You have my complete and utter Apology"
"Why your apology?"
"Because I am the one who made you destined to be with them"
"Out of all the people in the world why Sam and Dean Winchester?"
"Because as much of a pain they are,There badass hunters"
"Angel,I need you to close your eyes and think happy thoughts"
You did as you where told.You thought about Sam and Deans very first Christmas with you.You thought about Bobby,About your mom.Figure skating with Michael.The next thing you knew you where experiencing much pain.
it's going to Hurt falling from heaven.Chucks words echoed in your mind.It really did hurt.A lot.

*Five weeks later*
"Angel wake up!" I woke up to Cas at the end of my bed.
"Micheals here to see you"
"Tell em to wait"
"It's very important"
"So is sleep"
"Get up please,You don't even have to sleep."
"It's very relaxing and it doesn't make me look like shit"
"Alright fine whatever.I'll tell him to come back later"
"You do that"
=29 minutes later=
I washed my face,did my makeup and was dressed by 10:47 am.Thats pretty good for me.I walk down to the kitchen to see its not its Average military style.It has white roses and twinkling white Christmas lights.You see Michael with a dozen more roses,But in this batch there is one red rose in the middle.
"Micheal what is this?"
"It is my token of appreciation for you.ever since I met you I felt connected to you,I couldn't sleep or eat or do anything humans would do.I give you this dozen of roses for my feelings for you are very much like love.All of the white roses stand for normal average humans,And the red stands for you.You are extraordinary and very rare.I know I am just a stupid Arc angel spilling out his heart.But the truth is,You ha e my heart.And I don't want to love without you.So will you,Angel Valerie Harvard be my wife?"

You where happy for the rest of your life that day,Sam,Dean,Cas and Gabe came to the wedding and you and Micheal where expecting twins.You could never be more happy.And for the first time in forever,You could love someone without the fear of hurting them.You may never be human,But you where okay with that,You just wanted to be you.

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