Old School part 2

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I was walking out of biology and then I saw Hellen.She was a senior and had long red hair and green eyes like Dean.
I instantly looked for something to give or say,I looked at my pen and decided that I needed this.
"Um Hellen I think you lost your pen" I said handing her my pen.
"Oh this isn't mine,But I'll take it.Thanks um-What's your name?"
"Ray Ray"
"Ray come with me" she said walking away.Her flip-flops slapping against the floor in the halls.
"Wait! You are in my PE block right?!" She asked me turning around.
"Um yeah.I think." I said putting my hand through my hair.
"Didn't Mr.Smith hit you with a ball?"
"Yeah.Im fine though" I said  shrugging.
"Good.Don't you think he's hot?" She said scrolling through her Instagram.
"Oh yeah,He's like so hot.He could give Josh a run for his money" I said nodding.Did I seriously just call Dean hot? Umm EW!.
"Josh Hemsworth?"
"Oh 20000%" she said as we walked into a cafeteria.We sat down at the 4th table.Right in the middle.
"Guys this is Ray,She's like the best"
Hellen said sitting down.I looked at the people at the table,I only recognize 2 out of the 4.Gia Foster and Eli Kint.
"Hi I'm Gia and that's Eli,Kristen and Liv" Gia said Smiling.
"Hi,I'm Ray Ray" I said giving a small wave and sitting down next to Hellen.
"So Hel,What did you get on the MMSWT?" Kristen asked.
"89.And jez Kris,Can you not be a geek for once in your life?" Hellen asked Kristen.Kristen went back to eating her salad.
"Um what's MMSWT?" I asked
"Mega Media State Wide Test.Is a test all seniors have to do." Liz said looking up from her phone.
"Ah,At my old school we never did tests.Only quizzes that never counted for marks" I said putting my hair up in a pony tail.
"Luckyyy!" Eli said.Hellen looked at my face for a few seconds then grabbed my glasses off my face.
"Your really pretty,Even with the glasses.But without them,Your stunning" she said putting the glasses in my hand.
"Thank you.You guys are all so pretty." I said placing the glasses back on my face.Like Dean said,Demons are here.
"Um where's the washroom?"I asked
"That door."Liz said pointing to the door all the way across the room.And the door is right beside where the guys are sitting.I walk to the door and open it when a guy sees me.
"Damn girl you finer than red wine!" The guy shouted.I ignore him.
I walk into one of the stalls and take my cell out of my pocket to text Sam.

Angel:Hey Sam.So I am currently hiding in a bathroom because I have gotten close to Hellen and her little group of people or whatever.Now my question is:WHAT THE FUCK DO I SAY TO HER.I CANT JUST GO UP AND GO,HEY I SAW YOUR FRIENDS DEATH IN THE PAPER,I WAS WONDERING IF YOU COULD TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!

Sam:Okay chill out Pancake.Just like bring it up in conversation.Its easy,Dean is looking for all of the demons.There is three.And your job is to deal with Shay.Its not hard.


Sam:Angel you will be fine.


Sam:Angel you will just be chill about it

Angel:Yeah okay.Whatever.I hate u for making me deal with school 🖕🏻

Sam:wow a finger I can do that too! 🖕🏻


Sam:No angel don't!

I walked out of the bathroom and sat back at the table.Everyone had there phones out and where looking through there photos.
"Hey Ray,We Are just going through are camera roll " Hellen says showin me her home screen,On it is a picture of Eli,Kristen,Liz,Hellen and Shay daeneen.The girl that made me go to high school just to find out her death and all that other crap that hunters all have to ask.
"Who's the girl with the red bandana?" I say pointing to Shay.
"Are friend Shay Daeneen.She um-Died" Hellen said placing her phone in her bag.I look around to see that everyone at are table now is rather looking at the ground or pretending to be fascinated by something.
"If you don't mind me asking,How?"
"She-She was not really liked that much,I mean no one likes the popular kids.But then this guy-Benny showed up at are school,Real dork.And wanted to get us back by setting Shay up by getting his total Hottie Biscotti brother to go on a 'date' with her.Then there was the accident." Liv said trying to hold back tears.
"They got in a car accident,Hit and run.Except the DRIVER was the one that ran.Shays body was found in a river.Yet she died in the accident,Police say an animal stage her into the water" Kristen says pulling at the string on her Forever 21 lavender coloured sweater.
"WHY DO YOU WANT TO KNOW.WHY DO YOU CARE!" Eli yells.The whole cafeteria looks at are table.
"Let's go to the bathroom and talk" I say walking to the bathroom.Everyone from table 4 follows me.Once the door is shut I open all of the stalls to see if anyone is in them.No one.Good.
"My dad is FBI,He's investigating Shays case" I said looking at my self in the mirror.
"Then why are You asking us this stuff?" Hellen asks crossing her arms.
"What would you rather have.An FBI agent,Or a teenager?" I ask looking at them.
"You" they all say
"See,If my dad asked you,You wouldn't tell him the whole truth would you?"
"No not really" Eli whispers
"So my dad asked me to get answers"
"Mmm Kay,Girls I want to talk to Ray alone for a sec.Go flirt with the jocks" Hellen says waving the girls off.Once they are gone I feel tense,Like something is going to happen.
"So you are a officer?"
"No,Not exactly"
"I guess you could say that"
"Okay,If it makes it easier to find out what happened to Shay"
"Did she have any enemies? Anyone that would physically hurt her?"
"Well there was her ex,Jax Tinnier."
"Okay,Did she ever have any family deaths?"
"What dose this have to do with Shay?"
"Look.I have to ask these questions"
"Well can we ditch and grab a coffee or something?"
"Yes I am diying for a Starbucks coffee"
We leave the bathroom and walk out of school.My first day and I'm ditching.Dean would be proud,Sam not so much.then again,when is Sam ever proud.

We walk to the closest Starbucks and order are drinks.I get a pumpkin spice latte with foam and Hellen gets a caramel mocha.we take a seat by a window at the back of the store.
"Okay so about you're question in the bathroom,Her Grandfather died about 2 and a half years ago."
"Where they close?" I took a sip of my drink.Not as good as River City,A little coffee shop in Kanas,But it's better than dinner coffee.
"Very.She would go out to his farm and help him everyday when she didn't have exams.She even flunked grade 9 math because she was always with him and never had time for homework." She says taking a large sip of her drink.
"Did she ever have anything of his?Shirt,Hairbrush, Even maybe a gift with sentimental value?"
She looked down at her cup for a few moments and then looked back up at me.
"She had these old Binoculars that he always checked the cattle with" she said
"Thank you Hellen,You have been a huge help." I said getting up.
"Wait! Will u be at school tomorrow?" She asks
"Probably not."

I walk out of the store and pull out my phone.

Angel:Okay Sam this is what I got.
• Pretty much hated by everyone in the school.
•died In a car crash but her body was found in a river
•enemies:Her boyfriend Jax Tinnier.Everyone else no possible threat.
•Family death:Grandfather.Very close.
•Old pair of binoculars that belonged to him
That's all I got.

Sam:Thanks pancake.Btw can you go check on Dean.Hes not answering his phone.

Angel:That's because you're not allowed on them in school unless it is free block.

Sam: then how are you on your phone?
Angel:I'm not at school.I'll go check on him.
Sam:Okay thanks pancake.See ya at 4 o'clock.
Angel:See ya later masterbater
Sam:WHAT THE HELL ANGEL! 1 it's perfectly normal 2 I'm not Dean!
Angel:point and point😂

I walk into the school and head for the gym.I see Dean talking to a tall guy with glasses and blonde hair.I walk in and Dean sees me.
"Hold that thought Brian" Dean says walking away.
"Angel what are you doing here?" Dean asks annoyed.
"Sam asked me to check in on you.Have you found them?"
"What's them?"
"Demons you dumbass" I say rolling my eyes. I didn't notice that Mrs.Daniela was right behind me when I called Dean a dumbass.
"Mrs.Collins.What on earth are you doing here and why are you cursing at Mr.Smith?" She asked crossing her arms in that'Im very disappointed in you' posture.
"I was just asking him what I can do to improve my skills in gym.It was never my strong suit" I say
"Ah.Me as well" She nods at Dean and disappears into the halls somewhere.
"Well I am leaving now.I will get Sam to pick me up.Have fun teaching kids to   Play dodgeball." I say turning around and opening the door.
I call Sam and he answers on the fourth ring.
"Hello pancake.You have reached Sam" Sam said laughing.
"Haha you are so funny.Can you come pick me up?"
"Well where are you?"
"Then pick me up at that little shop called Medal vines"
"Pallet road"
"Okay be there in five."
"Make it ten,I have to walk you know"
"Okay.Ill be there in ten"
"Bye Sam"
"Bye Pancake"
Sam and Dean might be a pain in the ass,But there my pain in the ass.And I love them.

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