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I still don't know how I got back from where ever Gabriel had sent me.But I guess it doesn't matter,I'm back.

I was sitting in another Motel Since Sam and Dean decided to ditch the cabin.
"Deannnnn I'm bored!"
"And you are telling me this why?" He asked filling up his flask.Alcoholic.
"Let's do something!"
"Like drink drink not?" Dean asked hopefully.
"No,She's 19 Dean" Sam said looking up from his laptop.
"Yeah,And in CANADA I would be able to go in a bar and drink my heart out" I said crossing my arms.
"Dude! Canada is finally useful!" Dean said with a huge smile on his face.
"Actually,I wouldn't be talking since you're president is now Donald Trump" I said returning the smile Dean gave me earlier.
"She dose have a point" Sam said getting up off of the chair and going into the little bar area.
"You know Pancake is not really an American civilian until a couple of weeks,Maybe she can have ONE drink" Sam said handing me a full glass of vodka.
"All hail Sammy the great" I said going on my knees.
"Hey I'm pretty great too!" Dean said handing me another drink,This one whiskey.
"I said one Dean not a billion!" Sam said grabbing the drink out of my hands.
"Wow you need to learn how to count Sammy,This" Dean said taking the drink from Sam and waving it in front of his face."Is one.You add that with another one and it =3" Dean said handing it back to me.
"Um Dean,It's actually 2" I said drinking what Dean had just gave me.
"I said that" he snapped.
"No you said three" Sam said taking the drink sam had given me away from me AND Dean.
"Hey that's mine!"
"Nope,You already had one" Sam said drinking it before me or Dean could grab it from him.Wow he must really not want us to have it,Because Sam barely ever even drinks beer.
"Awe but Sammy,I'm only 2 years under the limit"  I said doing a sad puppy dog face.
"I don't care.No stop doing that Angel." He said grabbing another drink,This time a beer.
"Hey Sammy,Are you trying to get drunk?" Dean asked Sam eying him
"Yeah, so?" Sam asked flopping into a chair.
"Canadian beer is stronger!" I said jumping up from the floor and getting some beer I had stashed from Canada.
"What,Are beer is week? We are not week.WE ARE AMERICA!!!" Dean said shouting at no one in particular.
"It only takes 6 beers to get drunk" I said handing him one.
"For us it takes 9!" Dean said opening his beer and drinking it."Canada is useful for three things" Dean said looking at his bottle.
"Three?" I asked taking a sip of my beer.
"The age of 19 being drinking age,Amazing beer And Angel Harvard" Dean said smirking at me.
"Oh can we play truth or dare?" I said sitting on the floor beside Sam.
"Ugh.Fine.But nothing like You have to kiss angel or you have to give you're brother a kiss." Dean said looking at Sam.
"Yep I agree with Dean"
"Awe so you guys would never kiss me?" I said joking and pretending to be sad.
"No I didn't mean it like that Angel" Dean said looking at his feet.
I looked away smirking and the next thing  I know Dean kissed my cheek.
"Um Dean I was joking" I said blushing like crazy.
"Yeah I know.But I just had a sudden urge to kiss you.I donno.I promise it won't happen again" Dean said sitting back down.
"What Sammy,No kiss?" I said smiling
Sam rolled his eyes and kissed the other cheek.
"The Winchesters just kissed me" I said with the most shocked look on my face.
Sam and Dean looked at each other and smiled.
"Er so,Truth or dare?" Sam asked grabbing a power bar  from  his pocket.
(((((((ATHORS NOTE!!!!))))))))
This text=Dean
This text=Sam
This text=Angel
"Sammmy truth or dare"
"How old where you when you when you first had sex?"
"16.Angel Truth or Dare?"
"I dare you to go outside on the highway,WITHOUT pants on"
"Sam we aren't trying to get her raped"
"You guys,I have hunted Vampires,ghosts,Werwolves,Demons and shapeshifters.I think I can manage to survive if someone try's to kidnap me"
"Okay whatever.Just go"
We all walked outside to the highway.I took off my jean shorts and the next thing I knew I was just standing in the dark wearing a baby blue crop top and orange boyshort underwear.
A little black car pulled over to the side of the road,Out came a beautiful man with black hair and brown eyes.
"Hello are you lost?" The man asked me,Sam and Dean.
"Oh no,She's just a little smashed" Sam said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the motel again.
The man nods  and goes back into his car.Once me,Sam and Dean got back into are motel room We started laughing so much that I was crying a little.
"I can so used to this" Sam said sitting on his bed.
"You know Harvard,You are like the little sister I never wanted" Dean said giving me a big brotherly hug.
"Awe.I feel the exact way about you.Annoying big brother that calling him a fuck boy is a huge understatement" I said sticking out my thounge at him.
"Dude,She's only been with us for a while and she is already calling u more than a fuck boy" Sam said laughing.
"Hey,The truth hurts" I said shrugging and sitting on deans bed.
"Hell yeah it dose" Dean said yanking a pillow from Sams bed and throwing it at me.
"Oh it is on like Donkey Kong" I said grabbing one of the pillows from deans bed and throwing it at him,It landing right across deans face.
"Shhhh she got me,Mayday mayday,I'm going down!" Dean said dropping onto the floor.
"What did I just watch?" Sam asked look at Dean on the floor.
"You Samurai,Just witnessed the best thing to ever happen in all of humanity" I said grabbing my phone and calling Dean.Dean instantly got up and answered his phone.
"Hello this is hell hound" Dean said looking at me.
"Hi,I was just wondering if you are still alive after I hit you in the head so very hard" I said smiling.
"Ah well,My head hurts a little.But nothing a goo stiff drink couldn't fix"
Dean hung up is phone and tossed it on the side table.
" yeah Pancake?"
"Can I sleep in your bed tonight? I don't wanna sleep on the floor" I asked putting on my puppy dog face.
"Yeah,I will sleep with Sammy" Dean said sitting on Sams bed.
"NO YOUR NOT!GET OFF GET OFF!" Sam said pushing Dean off the bed,NEWS FLASH! Dean is really heavy.So Sam failed.
"Oh come on Sammy.For Angel?" Dean asked taking off his shoes.
"Fine.For angel"

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