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(Still don't know why I'm doing this, but hey, here goes nothing!)

So my childhood was pretty... weird.

The first thing I really remember was pre- school, and I walked into the classroom to see a kid hit another kid with a cardboard brick...

I also remember when some crazy friends of mine were playing around and , for some reason they were pretending they were dogs ( not to mention they were identical twins)  and they were crawling on the floor towards me real creepy like, barking like dogs. To this day I haven't seen them since. Weird huh?

Also, I made some wonderful friends at the age of 4 and to this day I'm friends with most of them. VodkaDemon is one of those wonderful friends.

My childhood wasn't always weird though. I can't remember what led up to this happening, but I vividly remember me sitting on the couch, crying and saying " I want the old mommy back!" ( I was four! you can't really blame me ) 

So yeah I'll admit this now, so it doesn't confuse anyone later on. My brother that I talk about all the time, he's really my half brother. He lives with his father. My father on the other hand, isn't in my life at all, not that I care. He's a drug addict/ alcoholic, and he never bothered to visit me anyways.

I'm not going to end this chapter thing on a sad note, so here's some more crazy things about me:

I used to hide behind a recliner with a container of bacon bits, and eat them repeatedly. ( this probably explains why I love bacon and not really any other kind of meat)

I loved vegetables... especially corn,green beans, and spinach.

I thought I could fly until I was about 6... then I thought I was a vampire. ( I still do)

I once put both mine and my brother's toddler beds up on an end in our old bedroom and pretended we were playing with Spongebob

By kindergarten, I could read cursive and chapter books. ( I was a smart child, okay?)

I was chased around my house by my brother, who had a chefs knife, twice ( he was three...)

My brother and I used to make homemade slip and slides in our bathroom when my mom fell asleep

I've dressed as roughly 15 different princesses when I was four for Halloween

So yeah that's most of my childhood here guys! I swear there's more, but I can't remember all of it as of this moment. I'll most likely post a part two to this, so yeah. Let's continue shall we? 

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