Little Break

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Yes you read that right. I'm taking a break...
I'm sorry, but I need to. School isn't getting easier, and honestly this is for the good of everybody.
I'll explain: for the past month there's been this confusing rollercoaster ride of emotions within myself. One day I can be so happy, and the next I want to die...and that's what happened. I wanted to die yesterday. My entire world felt as though it was crashing around me. I told myself over and over that everything is and always will be my fault. That this world would be better off if I just left, and I said this why? My best friend who lives in California was posting some confusing and kinda scary things online, and I thought it was because of something did...
Yeah I know "that's so stupid! Why in the hell would you end your life over something like that?"  I'll finish explaining:
My best friend in California means basic life or death to me. He makes me better when I feel like giving up. He knows what I'm going through, and constantly tells me that I'm strong. He doesn't hate me for what I did do to my body. I owe my life to him, and knowing that he may never trust me or even want to talk to me broke me entirely.
So, as I said I'll be leaving here, but I will be back, and this will be continued. And hey it's not like you guys can't follow me on anything else. I'll leave it below:
Snapchat: agender_trash
Messenger: Baylee Boban (oh hey guys, there's my last name. Big whoop) itznot_Baylee
Younow: AgenderTrashcanBaylee same as
House Party: Same as messenger

So there you guys go. I love you all and I promise I will be back. I just need this. Stay crazy my family ❤❤

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