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I need to say this. You can stop reading this now if you want, but if you're a homophobic asshole, stop reading and never come back to this book!

Now that that was said, I have something to tell you something my wonderful family.... I'm Nonbinary... I'm not trying to be a boy.I'm not trying to be a girl.I'm trying to be me, and I wanted to let you guys know that because I love you guys.

Now here is the sad part... So as sone of you may know, I have And one of the people I'm following is Agender. I showed them to my "friend" and they said:
"I'm sick of these people thinking they don't have a gender. It's like 'My gender is a dog. I'm not a boy. I'm a dog, woof, woof.' and " Just wait until you're in the real world! ' Um, yeah sorry, but there isn't an Agender option on this application, where do I put my gender?"

If they keep doing this, I can and will get their ass into trouble. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let someone try to conform me into a gender. I DON'T HAVE A DAMN GENDER! DEAL WITH IT! I just have to get over the fact that my life will forever be shit, and everyone I love now will soon leave me first, than I can deal with that.

Sorry for this chapter. I haven't been feeling like myself lately. Idk what's going on. I love you all my family. STAY CRAZY!!

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