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Should I do another childhood chapter? Let me know here guys!

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Otay, so I will admit it.

I'm way overprotective of my friends

Why you might ask? Well, it's kinda like this:

You can make fun of me, but the second you do ANYTHING mean or hurtful to my friends, you will have to deal with me!

My friends are the closet things to brothers/sisters I could ever get (besides you guys of course) treat them with disrespect, I will not be afraid to yell and scream at you! Hell I could even physically hurt you (not trying to threaten anyone here, just saying)

So please be nice guys, and don't be mean to them or anyone for that matter because it could really hurt them

Also, never spread rumors about someone because the same thing could happen

I'll see you beautiful people later!

And just to make myself clear here:

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