My neighbor's dog

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Don't ask questions, just read

this is the closest I could get to an actual picture of Duke, without actually getting a picture of him


Otay, so as some of you know my neighbor has a cute dog named Duke, but for those of you who didn't know that:

He's a black lab with the only curly tail in his litter

I have no idea how old he is, but he still acts like a puppy

He loves cuddling with me

He's more protective of me than my brother will ever be

I asked him to homecoming as a joke because I was going alone. I think he took it seriously...

I taught him how to lay down on command

He is about to my knee on all fours, and siting he's to my upper thigh

He's really likes cuddles

He will lick your face

He can almost jump over my head

So yeah that's about all I can say about that cute thing, I love you guys! See you later my crazies!

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