Pet Peeves

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This would be a long explanation, so instead I'll just say I felt like I should do this. Enjoy!


Well, let's just jump into this shall we?

1.) I hate people who think they know everything


3.)Stupidity ( like what my brother did kind of stupid, just to clarify)

4.)Judgement based on personality ( I mean, does this really need an explanation?)

5.) Transphobic and Homophobic people *cough* West Borough Baptist Church *cough*

6.) People conforming other people into groups

7.) Society (this should have been obvious lol)

8.) Yelling out of anger (it more scares me than ticks me off, but it also makes me mad)

I think that's it guys... well now you have more information to clone me Lol

Please don't though, we don't need more of me on this Earth. One is enough

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