School & My anxiety

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Why hello there! Long time no see huh?
Well I'm here, and I'm gonna be serious with you guys if that's okie
So school is coming up ( it's like 4 days away for me) and I'm seriously freaking. You see I started my freshman year as she/her, I ended my freshman year he/him to some people. Now since I've come out to most people, and since it's all over my social media, I'm freaking out.
Ok so there's kids at my school who DON'T and I mean DON'T like people like me. They'll call me "fag" "emo" and now they'll call me "tranny" or "perv"... At least that's what I'm fearing.
Contrary to popular belief, I'm not really liked in school. Yeah I may talk to people, but most of the time I'm just floating through the halls, basically like a ghost.
Last year my teacher didn't even know I was there, and I WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM! So you see my issues, and I don't have my chest binders yet, so it's all going to be awkward and confusing to not only my teachers, but also my fellow peers.. So if anyone from school actually reads this *cough, cough* Jaylynne. Would you stick up for me? That's all I ask..
Well I'm out again, stay crazy fellow humans

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