Tagged / ways to now clone me lol

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So my wonderful friend thatawkwardpan tagged me to do this stuff, so here we go!

1.) Name?


2.) How old are you?

15, but I look older... idk why

3.) Where do you live?

Narnia 😂 But honestly I live in a place that only has like 3 seasons, burning, freezing, and trying not to drown : Pennsylvania

4.) What's your personality like?

I have no idea, random? Is that a personality or a trait? We'll figure this out later

5.) Favorite celebrity?

Well I have more than one so...

Tyler Oakley, Connor Franta, iiSuperwomanii/ Lily Singh, Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Connie Gylnn/ Noodlerella,and a crap ton more people

6.) Least favorite celebrity?

Donald Trump. I mean do you need an explanation?

7.) When did you first log onto Wattpad?

September 7th 2016

8.) Why?

Why not

9.)Hair color?

Dark brown, looks black when wet though which is weird

10.) Eye color?

Hazel? Greenish blue? Brown? It changes everyday tbh

11.) Do you have any siblings?

One half brother, and a ton of "adopted" brothers and sisters. They know who they are, and I love them all. Some bug me, but I love them, along with each and everyone of you

12.) What's your sexuality?

I have no idea tbh, for now I'm a unicorn until further understanding

13.) Favorite color?

Easy. The rainbow, or black

14.) What do I like about myself?

Should I be honest? Or should I lie to everyone?

I'm gonna be cheerful and lie to you guys, sorry. I like my eyes, my hair, and my height

The real truth: I hate every inch of myself. Probably not my eye color though, but sometimes they look disgusting and I want to rip them out of my face. (wow that was gruesome... one sec while I try to get this horrible visual out of my head)

15.)What don't you like about yourself?

Every inch of myself, but like my personality. That's pretty fun lol

16.) Single or Taken?

Crushing. hard. They know who they are. My friends know too, and some of them yell at me for it. They are just protective of me that's all

17.) Do you like the person who tagged you?

Hells yeah! Bren is awesome and cool!

18.) Some things you like?

YouTube, Wattpad, Younow, My crush, Food, My wonderful friends, You guys, Music, Flower crowns, Flat brims, High tops, Skinny Jeans, Sleep, and Graphic tees

19.) Some things you dislike?

Pie, Dark Chocolate, Chocolate cake, Original Oreos, My brother's fashion sense, Preppy girls, My mom, My dad, Councilors, Teachers, School, Homework, West Borough Baptist Church, My Brother

20.) If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?

1.) More wishes( duh!)

2.) A one way plane ticket to London, England

3.)A new car for my mom

So I guess I have to tag people:





So that's it guys! Love you, and sorry it took soooo long to update this, I got busy. I'll try to update more, but there is no promises. Stay crazy my followers Bye!!

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