EPISODE 108 - Morality Unhinged

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Major Jay Pang – G Dragon

Hyuna Yung – Jung Ae-Youn

Kara Yung – Kwon Soo Jung (b 2006)

Summary: Seoul and Pyongyang quickly begin to fall to the dead, with our characters caught in the crosshairs.

EPISODE 108 – Morality Unhinged

The noise around Dr. Yung became a constant, harmonious wave. His desk was piled with the patient reports of almost one hundred patients, all from today, and they all showed similar symptoms. Already his morning shift was reserved for people who had been bitten by infected people, or people showing signs of the airborne illness so many already were reporting to have. He took off his glasses and buried his face in his hands, hoping they would give a mere moment of relief, but instead, his attempt was interrupted by an exhausted nurse who exclaimed "Another fifteen from Busan. All showing similar symptoms"

Dr Yung stood, his feet killing him from making so many rounds already. "How many have passed?" he inquired. The nurse pulled out a notepad and replied "Two hundred. Another four hundred in other metropolitan hospitals are going to pass within the day" Dr. Yung felt his body draining energy. "Be sure to employ counter awakening procedures. Spike to the temple: quick and simple. Can you do that?" The nurse nodded and ran off. Dr. Yung took a sip of cold, stale coffee and readied himself.

He opened his office door, and the halls were filled with bleeding or sick patients, all demanding treatment. One family, consisting of a man and his wife were consoling their young son, whose arm had been bitten, as he bawled complaining his head felt hot. More patients than doctors were in the rooms, as more cries for help pierced the air. Every floor, every room, every hallway in the building was packed with dying or sick people, and the staff scrambled to help anyone that asked for assistance.

He felt the pit in his stomach grow, and as he looked over the chaos, he adjusted his tie, and walked up to the first patient he could see. He saw the man's face grow redder every minute, and his temperature was slowly growing hotter. The man suddenly began to convulse, and after a tense few seconds, he went limp, saliva dripping from the side of his mouth. Dr. Yung sighed and waved to a nurse, who took the body into a small room, where Dr. Yung took a knife he had gotten from home, and stabbed the head of the man. He then placed a cloth over the wound, and the two of them wheeled the corpse away. His phone vibrated, and he checked it, seeing his wife's number. He stepped aside and answered the phone, hearing the familiar voice begin with "Seungri, we are both at the hospital. We are on the main floor waiting for you" He smiled and excused himself as he hurried down the stairs, pushing past nurses and other doctors trying to get to his family.

He saw the two familiar faces and soon embraced his wife, with his daughter hugging his leg. He had never felt as happy as he felt now, especially with the current circumstances
His wife looked him in the eyes and asked "So what are you going to do, Seungri?" Dr. Yung ran a hand through his thick hair and replied "I am going to get us out of Korea, and into Japan. At least they will have contained this-" His wife, Hyuna, interrupted with "Seungri...our daughter is sick" Dr. Yung stopped and looked down to his daughter. "Kara...are you feeling hot, sick at your stomach, anything like you saw on the TV?" Kara nodded, causing Dr. Jung's face to flush. "Seungri, what is it?" Hyuna implored, with Dr. Yung kneeling down and hugging his daughter. "It's...going to be hard to explain" he murmured.


Cassandra pulled up to her apartment and saw police cars awaiting her. She stepped out of her car and one officer looked her over, asking "Ma'am, were you bitten?" Cassandra shook her head. "No...why?" A familiar face walked up and embraced her. "Cassandra!" gasped Ha-Joon "I...I was so worried about you!" Cassandra looked at her fiancé with mild shock and replied "You made it out! But...what's wrong?" Ha-Joon frowned sadly and rolled up a bloody sleeve, revealing a septic bite wound. He began to tear up and moaned "OH Cassandra! I am so sorry I couldn't live with you forever...I don't want to think about leaving you behind..."

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