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(So, lemme explain something about Ana. She is masochist. But she does not fins pain sexually appealing. She just enjoys the pain. So if you looked it up, it says sexually attracted to pain, basically.
So, long A/N to tell you, Ana enjoys the pain but not in a perverted way. Done.)

The guards find Anastasia in the supply closet, running steel wool pads over her arms and then dousing them with bleach.

"You were so close to a year, Anastasia. What happened?"

She shakes her head. This is her own fault.

They have to put her with a roommate again. One year of being clean, down the drain in one night.

She sits on the bed, watching Gerard draw on the floor. Mikey is rooming with Ray and Frank is still alone.

He wouldn't even look at her and her white-bandaged arms, at breakfast that morning.

Ray is back on carefully controlled meals again.

The walls of the dull, grey room are covered in sketches of Gerard's new-found "Black Parade".

He's sketching a uniform in his novel sized sketch book.

Ana scratches at her arms, and pulls pieces of yer hair behind her ear. The bun from the day before is still in.

It's late in the evening. Free rec time.

Mikey is reading to Ray, and Frank just sits on his bed, staring at the floor.

He hears the door creak open but doesn't look up. A tray of lunch is set in front of him.


He looks up at Ana, immediately switching to his cold, cocky aditude.

"Hey, Ana. You want me to slam your head into the wall a couple times? Get your daily fix in?"

Tears well up in her eyes, and she looks at the floor.

"I forgive you." she whispers, twisting her hands together. The bandages go from her shoulders to her wrists.

The words take him back, and tap at his glass heart.

"You--You what?"

"I forgive you."

She looks up from the floor and meets his eyes, all traces of emotion whipped from her eyes.

"What the hell am I supposed to say to that?!"

She sighs, "Nothing, Frank."

The door is about to close but he leaps up and stops it.

"I-Thank you."

She gives him a tight-lipped smile and shuts the door.

Ana leans against the door. Maybe there is a human in there. The same guy she saw at the beginning at the Thearpy, or the one that helped her with Ray.

The voice booms through the speakers, announcing that free rec is over.


She looks up at the window, separating her and Gerard's room from Ray and Mikey's.

"Yes, Sunshine?"

"Are you gonna sleep with me tonight?"

"Not tonight. I have to stay with Gee for a little while. Soon though."

He nods, and disappears.

Gerard is sketching on the wall, a man with dark circles around his eyes in a hospital gown.



"Is Frank part of the Black Parade?"

"No. He tried to kill me. He reached through the window bars abd hissed at me to stop singing. I d-didn't mean to-"

"Shh. Hey."

She tilts his chin up and kisses his black hair.

"He's sick. Just like you. Just like Me. Just like him." she points to the hospital gown man.

Gerard nods and begins drawing Frank at the base of the parade float.

It's way past lights out and Frank is still awake.


The whispered voice is coming from the window. He stands up and walks over to it, holding onto the bars.


Gerard is inches from his face.

"Describe yourself. How you look. I'm making you part of the Black Parade."

"Uh, I dunno. Short, black hair. Sharp eyes."

Gerard is drawing as fast as he can as Frank describes himself in a hushed voice.

Ana lays in the bed, staring at the wall. She listens to Frank's voice as he describes himself for Gerard.

She smiles and drifts off.

This was more cute-sy. The last couple chapters have been pretty intense so..yea.

Shameless Self-Promo; Check out my other MCR fanfics.

-Thank You For The Venom// Gerard Way

-Way Down// Frank Iero

-Kiss Me, You Animal. (Danger Days)

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