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The door opens and Ana looks up, hopefully.

The nurse nods and unlocks the jacket. She leaves, gesturing for Ana to follow.

She does, clutching the note.

They turn down two hallways, before reaching a set of double doors that drop them into the West wing of the building.

She looks up at the clock on the wall, free-rec.

She sprints across the building to Her room.

Gerard isn't in there. Neither is Ray or Mikey or even Frank.

A guy with blonde hair comes to the doorway.

"Are you Anastasia?"


"Gerard told me to tell you he's in the infermary."

"Oh, thank you..."


"Thanks, Bob."

She runs to the infirmary, her excitement slightly dampened by worry.

Gerard is standing just behind the door. He looks run-down.


He smiles sadly at her.

"Hey, Ana."

She hugs him tightly, glad for the presence of another person, again.

His hands carefully go around her.

They stand like that foe a minute before pulling away.

"If you're not hurt, why are you in here?"


She holds onto his sleeve as the walk back into the room. It's mostly abandon, except for the bed at the very end.

Frank picks at the blood under his fingernails.

Blood, blood gallons of the stuff.

He tries to male all the evidence of his crimes go away but her can't.

He doesn't even remember what he did. He knows it's bad though.

One does not get covered in blood for no reason.

He pushes his hair back and lays on the floor, closing his eyes.

He stands up and begins walking toward Mikey. His pupils shrink to pin-points as he jerks the quiet boy from the table.

"You." he hisses, throwing Mikey to the floor, "You know how to get rid of me."

Mikey stays silent, but he's terrified, and it's written all over his face.

Gerard stands, "You can't hurt my-"

Frank whips around, landing a solid blow to Gerard's stomach.

"I know why you don't talk."

Frank menacingly walks toward Mikey.

"Its because the one time you did speak, your parents got killed."

"Stop!!" Gerard wheezes, kicking Frank's knees.

He falls to the ground, yanking Gerard with him.

Mikey is still staring at the two in shock.

"If you had kept your little mouth shut, you wouldn't be here and your parents wouldn't be sleeping at Cemetery Drive."

The statement makes Mikey bite his lip and stand.

"It's not my fault." His voice is slightly wobbly, but loud.

"You don't believe that."

"I-Its not my fault!!"

Frank grabs Mikey's head ans slams it to the edge of the table, creating a large gash.

Blood spurts from it, coating his fave and arms.

"Mikey!!" Gerard screams, rushing for his baby brother.

Frank shoves Gerard back as a pool of blood begins to fill around Mikey.


Anastasia sits on her bed, staring at the wall. Gerard's sketches of the Black Parade are fading.

She stands and walks up to the main one. A parade float with all five of them on it.

She presses her fingers to the picture of Mikey.

Gerard stands next to her brothers bed.

A tube is shoved down Mikey's throat to ensure He keeps breathing.

Various tubes and wire criss-cross his body. A large bandage sits over his forehead.

His eyes are closed. They said he won't wake up anytime soon.

Gasping, Frank sits up.

Not Mikey.

What did the kid ever do to deserve this?

He looks at the camera, desperate.

"Please, if you could give me anything to clean this blood."

The bottom of the door slides up and a baby-wipe is slid through.

He runs aggressively at his arms and face.

Every time his eyes close, he sees the poor kid, laying with his eyes closed in a pool of blood.

He probably killed him.

It would be have been the first time.


On the bright side, 666 word count here. :)

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