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Ana hugs Ray tightly, the blanket wrapped around her shoulders. Ray hugs her back.

"Thank you, Anastasia."

"Anything for you, Sunshine."

He quickly let's go of her and rummages around his bag. He pulls out a small box and hands it to her.

"To remember me, until visiting day next year. I promise I'll come see you."

Ana opens the box.

A simple necklace with a little gold sun on it.

"I love it." she says, beginning to cry.

Ray smiles wildly.

"I knew you would. Tell Gerard I said Bye."


Ana puts the necklace on and waves Ray off as he climbs in the backseat of the car. She watches the tail-lights disappear down the road.

Mrs. Armstrong leads her back to her room as the speaker booms lights-out.

Frank is back in the infirmary, having pulled out the stitches in his stump. They're keeping him overnight as a precaution.

"Hello, Frank."

He opens his eyes and sees the Way brothers. Gerard sitting in a chair and Mikey leaning on said chair.

Their voices and words match up, almost sound the same.

"I bet you're wondering why I'm here." they say in unison.

He gulps and hold his stump to his chest.

"Well, I took your hand. But what I really need to do is finish the rest of you off. Especially, since you killed me/my brother."

"W-What are you gonna d-d-do?"

"Obviously, poisoning you didn't work." Gerard reaches over and up his medicene dosage, "Ana was there. I may just split your mind."

Frank is trembling as Gerard stands, him and Mikey standing at the foot of his bed.

"But, first. I need to tie up a lose end. Ana."

The brothers walk out. Leaving the teen paralyzed with fear.

Mikey sits in the bed. Nothing is making sense. He can't see properly.

He can't think.

But he knows his brother is in trouble.

Ana sits in her room, staring at the empty bed across from her, faintly smiling as she messes with the necklace.

Gerard slips the pill under his tounge, making sure it won't dissolve yet. He knocks softly on the door.

Anastasia opens the door.

Short. Sorry. This story is gonna wrap up pretty soon.

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