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There was no funeral. No last goodbye. Not even a "One of the patients has died, here's our respects". Nothing.

Mikey deserved so much more.

Ana sits in the room with Gerard, the doctors figuring it was too dangerous to put someone with his condition alone.

Frank has been pulled from his normal room and put into the South Wing, where Ana's old room was.

"Gerard? Are you awake?"


Ana climbs from her bed, and sits next to his on the floor. They're about the same eye level.

"I miss him."

She nods and twists her fingers through his soft black hair. They sit in silence. It's been a couple hours since lights out so they both jump as a voice comes over the loud speaker.

"Anastasia to South Wing room 204."

She stops playing with Gerard's hair and stands, her hands shaking slightly.

Gerard twists his fingers with her's and squeezes them assuringly before letting go.

Ray stands, just outside the door.

"Keep an eye on him." Ana instructs.

Ray nods and walks in.

"Hi, Gerard!!"

"Hi, Ray."

"Can I braid your hair?"

The sudden and childish question makes Ana stop, and listen for a moment.


She smiles and locks the door, speed walking to her destination.


"Look a' that, Frankie. He's dead."

"Go. Away."

"Just like your parents."


"That was all your fault."

"N-No it wasn't, they're still alive. At home."

"Oh come on. We both know Brendon and Sara aren't your real parents."

"Yes they are."

Aeron turns sharply to Frank, stalking toward him. His fists are clenched at his sides.

"You know better then to argue with me MURDERER."

"W-What are you talking about? I've never-"

"Ooh. It's worse then the doctors said. First Dissociative Personality Disorder, now repressed guilt as a cause of extreme trauma? Damn. You are messed up, kid."


Ana's soft voice from the other side of the wall, makes both of the guys turn.

"Burning Girl is here to see you. You gonna kill her too?"

"You little-"


She comes in and closes the door, he sees her hands spasming out of fear. They should chain him up. Put him in a jacket. Anything to keep him from hurting her.

Aeron turns to Frank, almost as if he can read his thoughts, and his red eyes gleam brightly.

"Is Aeron here?"

Frank looks fearfully at Aeron, for permission to speak.

"He is now."

His eyes flicker to Ana for just a second and Aeron is gone. He feels the familiar shrinking and can only see now.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Ana."

"Why did they call me in here at midnight, Frank?"

He stands, fluidly and walks toward her with heavy, sure steps.

"Because I love you."


Her back presses to the door and she looks up at him in confusion. No fear resides in her bright green irises.

"I. Love. You."

He leans down, tilting her chin up the slightest bit, and kisses her.


Ana's eyes immeditly close, and she's kissing him back. No one has kissed her or touched her like this is years.

His hands slip under her shirt, resting his cool, tattooed hands on her sides. Her fingers curl on his chest and one raises to his hair, pressing his lips harder to her's.

They break away for air, and her fingers go from his chest to her lips. They're tingling from the sensation of someone else's lips on his her's.

"That bad, Princess?"

"That good." she murmurs, pressing her lips to his again, for a shorter amount of time.

"You better get back." Frank whispers, kissing just under her ear.


She gently pushes him back and walks out the door.

"G'night, Frank."

"Night, Ana."

Heyyyy. Merry Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, etc.

CHAPTER 16 yayyyy.

One chapter after Mikey's death and they're making-out. Huh.

Anyways, love you guys!!!

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