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Frank pulls the IV from his wrist and a small alarm goes off. He climbs from the bed, unsteady.

All he knows is he has to get to her. He has to get to Ana.

"Anastasia..." Gerard breaths, putting on a fearful look.

She wraps her arms around him, and he smiles.

"Gee, I think who ever hurt Frank and Ray is going to come after you next."

"Don't be too sure, Ana."

He presses his lips to hers and forces the pill past her lips. He makes her swallow it and smirks.

"So long and goodnight. Say Hi to Mikey for me."

The Doctors and nurses attempt to restrain Frank as he screams.

"He's gonna kill her!!! Please!! Let me save her!!"

A Doctor runs in, looking wild.

"Patient 00.3 is awake."

"And?" the head doctor asks, through gritted teeth as he tries to hold onto Frank's left arm.

"He's asking for Frank."

"C'mon, Mikey. Talk. Use your words." the nurse coaxes as Mikey struggles to get his words out.

"B-Brother. Lo-lost."

"Your brother is lost?"


"Okay. Good job. Rest."

"B-B-Brother. L-lo-lost."

His stutter begins to get worse, the more frantic he gets. Gerard thinks he's dead. His big brother will do anything to avenge him.

Even if it means killing.

Gerard loves Mikey more than life itself. And he knows that.

Frank stands outside the door, still in shock from what he's just been told.

Mikey isn't dead.

The youngest Way was taken off life support, and had woken up. His frontal lobe had been severely damaged, making it hard for him to process his thoughts, actions, and words properly. His parents know, but Gerard doesn't.

Frank's hands twist together as he shuffles into the room. Mikey looks up from a paper he's writing on.

A large bandage sits over his forehead, making his brown hair stick up at odd angles.

"F-Forgive yo-you." He says, holding out his arms.

The tattooed boy tears up and hugs him.

"I'm so so sorry." he cries.

Mikey pats his hair, "For-Forgive y-you. Sa-ve?"

"Save who?" He asks, pulling away from Mikey.

"S-Save, Ger-Gerard."

Mikey holds up the paper. It's covered in the same sentence over and over.

The same three words.


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