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Frank sits in front of the examination room, Gerard is pacing, and Mikey and Ray are sitting quietly.

"Calm down, Gerard." Frank sighs, "It's not like she's having your kid."

Gerard looks up at him, cheeks slightly pink.

"Shut up. I'm just worried."

"She'll be fine."

"How do you know?"

A loud yell comes from the room, and they all jump to their feet.

The Doctor runs out, an empty syringe sticking out from his arm.

A couple of guards rush to him, "She stabbed me!! She-She.."

His words begin to slurr. Whatever was in the needle is taking effect on him.

Ana runs out, the sheet still wrapped around her. One of guards grabs his radio and starts barking orders into it.

The boys share a look and run after her.

Ana's feet slap hard against the tiles. She can hear people following her, and spreads up.

Her hands and feet are going numb as her mind goes numb.


She collapses, mid-run. Sliding against the floors. She curls into a fetal position.

Her eyes are going in and out of focus. She can make out the outlines of Gerard and Ray.

"What did you stab the Doctor with?"

"Sedative. He was gonna give it to me."

Yelling comes from further down the hall.

Ana grabs Gerard's wrist, "They're gonna p-put me in solitary. Please take care of Ray."

"I will."

He lays his fingers lightly on her hand, and she lays her head against the floor.

Frank watches Gerard talk quietly to Ana. Yelling erupts from the other end of the hall and he spins around.

Three large guards are barreling toward them.

Ana lays her head on the floor and says one last thing to Gerard.

He nods, and stands, moving away from her.

The guards yell in to their radios. A pair of nurses come, wheeling a gurney.

They lift Ana onto it, and keeps a death grip on the sheet when they try to take it.

Straps are tightened around her legs, hips, stomach, and head.

Her arms are pinned to her sides.

Frank catches her gaze, she smiles at him, and closes her eyes, her body relaxing.

It's just like in the movies.

All white padding, and a straitjacket.

Well, the straitjacket is specifically for her but, still.

She wakes up with her head on something soft. She's finally able to sit up, by pushing herself against a wall with her feet.

Her hair is coming out of the bun, falling into her face.

The lights are always kept dim. Enough she can see, and sleep.

She doesn't know how long she's been in here. The maximum penalty is 5 days. For what She did, it'll probably be 3.

She smiles.

Stabbing a Doctor isn't exactly something to be proud of, but it felt good.

The camera in the corner of the room zooms in on her.

She looks at it and pouts.

"I'm hungry."

Nothing happens immediately and she's disappointed.

A section of the wall end a minute later. A nurse with a tray and a key comes in.

She sets the tray in front of Ana and unlocks the jacket. She sits in front of Ana, watching her stretch her arms and eat.

A little piece of paper sits in the corner of her tray. She looks questioningly at the nurse, who shrugs.

She opens the paper. It's a drawing of her as "Mother War" with Gerard's signature. On the back are little notes from the boys about how she'll be okay, and that they'll wait for her.

She takes special interest in Frank's. It's only two short lines, then his scribbled name.

"If you're not okay now, you will be. -xofrnk."

She smiles at it tucks it against her shirt, right above where her heart is as the nurse puts the jacket on again.

Gerard is wildly drawing pictures of his so called Mother War.

Frank watches him. Everything has taken a somber tone. Ana's only been gone for a whole day.

Mikey is keeping a close eye on Ray, who gladly eats his small meals, knowing Ana would be proud.

Frank puts his head down on the table.

Why is her absence making him feel like this?

He sighs loudly. The others have known her longer, so He can understand that they're missing her, but him?

Ana quickly gets bored with the walls, and all her thoughts go back to Frank's face before she passed out.

A little lost and scared, but determined.

She begins to sing, having unknowingly held onto every word Gerard had sung to her at night when she couldn't sleep.

Her favorite one is The World Is Ugly.

She sings it as she walks the perimeter of the room.

Her hair has completely come out and it's hanging past her shoulders in waves.


It's the whisper again.


He looks around the cafeteria wildly.

Too many people to get hurt.

He stands, not by his own actions.

His eyes go to Mikey, and he takes a step forward.

No. God no.

Heyooo!! Thanks for the votes and comments!!

I'm sorry, Frankie. I'm really sorry.


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