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Frank sits in the corner of the room as Aeron slams his booted-feet into his side.

"P-Please." he gasps, as the red eyes go from his bruised body to his face.

"Why Frankie? We both know You deserve it."

Tears cut down his cheeks, as He attempts to sit up. Aeron shoves him back down.

"Burning Girl is coming. Say anything to her about me and I'll slit both of your throats as. You. Sleep."

Frank nods, as Aeron looks to the door.

Ana unlocks the door and opens it. Frank is huddled in the corner, his eyes watering.


His eyes shift to some area behind her, and He swallows.

She turns and sees nothing. Closing the door, She sits against it. On opposite sides of the room, they stare at each other.

"Frank. Yesterday, You told me Aeron hurt Mikey. How-"

"It was your dad."

He slaps his hands over his mouth.


Frank struggles to keep his hands over his mouth, but he isn't strong enough.

"-told you, you were a monster so you became one. You took it too far and burned the entire house down with your family still inside, asleep. The only reason you survived is because you were already used to the pain-"

He locks his jaw, trying to stop the flow of words.

Ana's face twists in horror, her tounge is stuck in her mouth. They just stare at each other.

"T-That wasn't m-me. A-Aeron is-"

His words are cut off as Aeron wraps his hands around Frank's throat and begins to squeeze.

He claws at the monster's fingers, and looks to Ana for help. She's just staring, terrified at him.


Her name makes her spring in to action, she pulls Aeron's hands from Frank's throat.

Aeron growls at her, but her eyes stay on Frank.

"Frank. Where is Aeron?"

His eyes flicker to the space above him, where Aeron is looming, and back to Ana.

"H-He isn't here."


"He isn't here." he says, more forcefully this time.

She just looks at him for a long time, with a pitying look on.

"What?" he growls.

Instead of answering, she presses her cold fingers to the developing bruises on his neck.

He hisses at the contact, but it soon becomes soothing as she traces the marks.

Leaning his head against the wall, he relishes in the soft touch of someone who ,he thinks, cares. Something he hasn't had in a long time.



"When was the last time you slept?"

"I dunno. A while."

She moves her hand up his neck to his jaw and traces over his lips with her thumb. She parts them, his breath brushing her fingers.

She opens them wider, and leans toward him, so her lips are level with his.

"Close your eyes. Kiss me goodbye. And sleep."

She places the white tablet on His tounge and closes his mouth, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

He opens his eyes slightly, as she's turning away.

"Thank you."

His breathing evens put as he falls asleep.

Ana smiles slightly as he thanks her, and pushes a piece of his black hair behind his ear.

Her fingers trail his jaw and stop, right before his soft, pink lips.

She stares at them for a minute, and turns, walking out the door and locking it.

This is much more serious then anyone imagined.

Sorry for the late update.

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