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[thank you for 4K on sleeping arrangements!!]

this is how jungkook looks in this book;

taehyung focus"uhh it's hard to say right now

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taehyung focus
"uhh it's hard to say right now." jungkook grins, scratching the back of his neck, "go finish your shower first."

taehyung's shocked, slightly freaked out, startled and all the other synonyms for surprised. his eyebrows furrow in confusion as jungkook tugs his hand, pulling him up on to his feet.

"jungkook? what-"

"shower first." jungkook grins, making taehyung's stomach churn with old emotions. taehyung doesn't know what to say, his mind runs blank as he takes in the younger's form.
it's been so long since he last saw him and he still looks the same, but you can't miss out the small different details.

his ears are pieced now, little hoop earrings dangled off both ears and taehyung finds himself wanting to poke his index finger through the ring.
his hair has changed, it's still black but slightly parted down the middle to create a gap.
he's taller, more muscled as taehyung can clearly see by glancing at his arms.
but taehyung's glad that he still sports the same bunny toothed smile he used to flash at taehyung, a year ago.

jungkook turns around, to attend to his luggage but taehyung reaches out and grabs the back of his shirt to stop him from walking away, rooting the younger to the spot.

"n-no, what are you doing here?" at this point, taehyung doesn't even know what he's doing or what's going on.

"taehyung, you want me to tell you what ive been up to this past year, whilst you're wearing a towel and covered head to toe in soap suds?" jungkook quirks an eyebrow and for some reason, appearing condescending which makes taehyung's cheeks flush pink.

"i-ill go then but um be right here, a-and yeah." taehyung breathes. he nods to himself for no particular reason before releasing the grip he has on jungkook's black shirt. he stumbles to the shower, wincing at his toe.

he closes the door behind him gently, clutching the towel wrapped around his body with one hand. he rests the back of his head against the shower door so his eyes are trained on the ceiling.

he doesn't know how to feel.

jungkook focus
jungkook doesn't want to explain to taehyung about his past deeds. not yet.

he grabs his jacket and walks out of the dorm without a word or not note telling taehyung his whereabouts.

taehyung focus
taehyung hurriedly finishes his shower; one, because he wanted to see jungkook's smile once again and two, because his toe stings from the hot water.

he exits the shower with a pink plaster adorning his big toe and a towel wrapped around his shoulders to catch the water dripping from his hair. he searches the desolate room, seeking jungkook.

"jungkook?" his expression falls.

taehyung's disappointed to see the empty dorm. the only traces of jungkook's presence was the still unpacked luggage sitting on the floor dejectedly.

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