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taehyung focus
thirty minutes later, taehyung is striding down campus after trying to find the younger amidst the thousands of drunk students dancing (he eventually found jungkook dipping and soaking his right sneaker in the pool at the back, now he followed taehyung lazily, his right shoe squelching loudly).

taehyung walks with his jaw clenched, the whole situation was just so weird and taehyung didn't know how to deal with it. so he walked ahead, letting the younger trail behind him, and grumbled internally about his dark circles.

"oof." taehyung hears, he looks over his shoulder to see jungkook trip over himself and fall face front on to the grass. taehyung hurries over to pick up the dazed boy, lifting him up and guiding him down campus to the dorms silently.
jungkook doesn't say anything much - well not clearly, the younger keeps burbling on about having fun and googling gay sex.
taehyung decides to ignore him.

soon, they arrive at the dorm and taehyung unlocks the dorm, dragging the unsteady drunk inside. he grunts as he shifts the younger to his bed, depositing him on the sheets with a loud thump.

why am i doing this, he thinks as he instructs jungkook to kick off his soggy shoes. sigh.

taehyung reaches out for the duvet, about to pull the thick material over jungkook's hunched body. but he's stopped by jungkook, who shoots out an arm, enclosing his hand around taehyung's wrist and tugs hard. causing taehyung to yelp loudly whilst falling on top of jungkook.

"what the-" taehyung groans as he wriggles around, rubbing his forehead that had collided with jungkook's forehead, hard.

"ow, what the hell jungkook." taehyung's winces.
taehyung feels an arm snaking around his stomach, pulling him towards jungkook's chest.

"jungkook?" taehyung whispers, uncertain.

what is happening what is happening what is happening what is happening oh my fuckin-

jungkook focus
jungkook curls himself to fit around taehyung's curved back, his face resting on taehyung's shoulder. ignoring the way taehyung had tensed up just then, he inhales taehyung's scent; the smell of laundry detergent and hints of vanilla comforting the hazed boy.

"i missed you, you know." he suddenly announced. he doesn't wait for taehyung to reply, going straight into apologising and explaining.

start with school.
jungkook musters up his words as he breathed in taehyung's scent.

"busan pressurised the fuck out of me, i hated it there and wanted to leave but my dad made me stay. he wanted me to graduate and become a bank manager or some shit. i don't wanna be a bank manager, tae." he sighs.

"i thought that if i pissed off my dad and the principal, they'd let me out of busan. so i ended up hanging out with a bunch of bad people, doing bad stuff with them which i regret loads now. but the bad stuff got me kicked out and i was temporarily happy." jungkook pauses, taking in the familiar smell of detergent again to calm his nerves.

tell him about yoongi.

make everything right again.

"uh so me and yoongi. i-i don't know but at the time i kept thinking about you and wandering if i really was gay." jungkook says, "i decided to try something: i asked yoongi to date me to see if i would like dating a guy. it was fun, i liked it and went out with a couple of other people as well - girls and guys. i realised i was pan a while later. now yoongi and i are just friends - it doesn't uh, look like it but we are."

that's cleared up - talk about the next topic now: taehyung.

"next, i wanna talk about you. first of all, sorry for being an idiot in high school and being a dick earlier. i don't know why i reacted like that, but yeah." jungkook gulps, tightening his arm around taehyung.

"i really really missed you and all the stuff we did. remember the first time we met?" jungkook hears taehyung laugh ever so softly. he smiles in the dark, encouraged.
"and what about watching the stars and getting locked out of your house - remember mrs son yelling at me?"
he grins when he hears taehyung muffle his giggles.

"you were the first person i wanted to tell when i came out as pan but i didn't know if i should've contacted you or not. i thought you'd find it awkward."

"i never noticed it until now, but i love talking to you whilst lying in bed like this. it feels normal, like im back to my high school self and not now, when im a fucktard who got expelled for drinking and having sex in my dorm, who has a father who thinks of him as a waste of space."

jungkook stops, chewing on his bottom lip as he remembers the way his father had looked at him when the principal had called him. at the time, jungkook had acted like he didn't care - chewing gum and half listening to the principal list all the rules he had broken. he looked like he didn't care but really he was worrying about what his father would say or act after seeing the principal. his father's reaction was not pretty.

taehyung, unsure why jungkook was suddenly silent, decides to place a hand over his arm in what he hoped was comforting.

"taehyung?" jungkook murmurs, nuzzling against taehyung which causes his voice to come out muffled.

"yeah?" taehyung replies quietly, retracting his hand.

"it's been a year." jungkook thinks aloud. he's half aware of what he's about to say and half uncertain about his actions but he decides to just let it out. say it, he thinks.

you like taehyung.

"and i think im ready to be yours now."

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