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jungkook focus
even after two large slices of creamy wedding cake, another slow dance with taehyung, a quick dance with his mom and several minutes of standing still whilst taking family pictures, jungkook still hasn't received taehyung's response to his question of dating.

after escaping his mom's hold for the second time, jungkook breaths out through his mouth, looking around the hall to spot taehyung standing alone at the back of the hall, arms folded over his chest and wearing a small smile as he watches a few couples dance.

jungkook, you've gotten through your first worry: mom's and youngho's wedding. now to face the other one - just get it over and done with - ask him!!

jungkook makes his way quietly to taehyung, standing besides him and watching an elderly couple, that jungkook doesn't recognise, dance with lidded eyes.

"hey." taehyung says, keeping his gaze straight ahead.

"hey." jungkook breaths out, looking at taehyung through the corners of his eyes. "how're you liking the wedding party?" jungkook asks, half wanting to know and half just stalling until he has to ask taehyung again.

"to be honest," taehyung looks over at jungkook, "it's very fucking boring. ji yeon keeps dragging me away to be her lady in waiting and she's very demanding." he says laughing and jungkook joins in.

the overall wedding party did suck - the costly decor and high class guests just weren't appealing to college students who'd rather sit at home and eat several flavoured potato snacks.

"wanna go somewhere else then?" jungkook asks, eager eyes twinkling a little.

"hm? aren't you meant to stay here? you know, as the bride's son and all?"

"i think im allowed to be out of my mom's sight for a little while." he chuckles, taking taehyung by the wrist and dragging him to the exit.

once they're outside, they're met with a slap of freezing air and jungkook hates himself for suggesting to go outside. they shudder as they wander outside the country club and down the still wet pathway to the lush grassy grounds behind the club. there's nothing there except a few hedges strung with pink fairy lights and a line of trees at the bottom of the field-like garden. although there's not much, the half moonlight shines down on the raindrops on the leaves and the fairy lights look otherworldly, making taehyung stare in awe.

taehyung walks ahead in a trance, not realising jungkook slowing down to a stop behind him. the latter stands, watching taehyung continue walking ahead without noticing his lack of presence.

he rolls his shoulders and breathes in and out through his mouth for a few times to try to calm his tensioned self.

why are you so nervous?

it's just a yes or no question.
if it's a 'yes' then congrats kook - you've got a boyfriend.

if it's a 'no' then yo-
"taehyung." he says, cutting through the quiet of the outside area. the mentioned turns around and notices jungkook standing before him.

"yeah?" he says, shivering in his velvet jacket, his teeth chattering.

just get it over and done with.

he clears his throat, "just how long are you gonna keep your decision inside? tell me already." jungkook says, calmly, his voice devoid of any telltale emotion.

taehyung pauses any movement he was going to make and looks up at the boy.
"okay," he simply says, "ill tell you."

jungkook looks at him readily.
please say yes.

taehyung tugs at his jacket to cover himself up a little bit more. jungkook can see him chewing on his lower lip in the dim light of the moon overhead.

they're at least two metres away from each other so taehyung feels the need to step closer, and closer. he takes a step, then another, and then another.

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