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jungkook focus
jungkook groans as he drops a sleepy taehyung on to his bed with a loud thump, his body hitting the mattress.
jungkook heaves a sigh as he unlaces taehyung's shoes, setting them to the ground neatly before starting to take off his jacket as well.

taehyung mumbles in his sleep, turning over in his sleep with his shirt riding up to reveal his tan stomach. jungkook chuckles at taehyung's exposed but cute tummy and drags his fingers lightly over the soft skin, causing taehyung to squirm in his slumber.

"stop, it tickles hyung." taehyung starts to giggle, pushing away jungkook's hand whilst half asleep.

jungkook raises an eyebrow at taehyung, hyung??

ah hoseok.
jungkook fond smile, that he wore when taehyung giggled adorably, slips a little at the thought of hoseok.

taehyung focus
taehyung turns around again and peers in the dark of his shared dorm, surprised to see jungkook sitting quietly on the edge of the bed, a frown etched on to his face. sheets rustle as he shuffles to make more space before extending an arm to tug on jungkook's sleeve.

jungkook turns to look at him, his frown dissipating.
"let's go to bed." taehyung slurs half drunk, closing his eyes but still keeping ahold of the sleeve of jungkook's sweater.

he doesn't see the warm smile jungkook gives him.

jungkook climbs into bed, forgetting to brush his teeth or change into his pj's, but it didn't matter. what mattered right now was sleeping alongside taehyung again for the first time in a year.

jungkook focus | FIRST PERSON
taehyung slept pressed against the cool wall - as far away from me as possible. i grab his waist and without thinking, pull him closer to my chest, letting my front slot comfortably with taehyung's warm back.

i lean into the crook of his neck, the bottom of his hair tickling my closed eyelids as i breathed in his scent.

taehyung's phone vibrates noisily in his jeans pocket, the lit screen casting a white glow into the dark dorm. i fumble around and fish the device, reading the name stated on the lock screen.
i chew on my lip when i realises it's hoseok who's calling.

hoseok seems like a lovely person and all, but right now, i really really don't want him intruding on this.
so i ignore the call, shoving the slight guilt im feeling to the bottom of my chest and switch taehyung's phone off.

sliding the phone back into its original place, humming, i look down at the older sleeping in my arms.

he's so pretty.

i know pretty isn't something to describe a guy but that's exactly what taehyung is. actually pretty would be an understatement, i think as i eye the long dark lashes and the adorable mole on the tip of his nose.

"kim taehyung, you are beautiful." i voice out, my voice coming out as a breathless murmur. i wasn't expecting him to hear, thinking that he was fast asleep.

"i know i am, now stop staring at me and go to sleep."

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