Chapter 8

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Iris leant against the wall, staring out at the field before her and taking a deep breath. She could feel that the pain had eased slightly, but she had told Charles that she didn't feel up to doing any training. She felt tired, and she was scared that she was going to overwork herself.

"Given up already?"

Iris turned her head slightly to glance at Erik, who was now standing behind her and leaning against the wall. She shook her head slowly.

"I don't want to strain my power too much- I haven't used it in years."

Erik hesitated for a moment, "Charles told me about your parents."

Iris spun to face him, feeling her eyes sting, "That was in the past."

"Shaw treated us both the same way. He made us into monsters. You must hate him for that."

Iris nodded, "I do... and that's why I'm fighting with everyone. Because we need to stop him from committing such horrible things."

Erik shook his head, "Iris, you don't understand... your attack on him- it needs to be more direct. This isn't about the greater good, this is about revenge. Revenge for what he did to you and your family."

She glanced away, not wanting Erik to be able to read her expression, "Two wrongs don't make a right, Erik. I can't just go charging in and kill him. Besides, my power is hardly very strong. I don't understand why he used me."

Erik sighed, running his hand through his hair, "Iris, what did Charles tell you when he first met you? He said you lit up like a beacon. Now- correct me if I'm wrong- by I'm very sure that this means you're extremely powerful. Whatever it is that you can do... if there's something else within you that's deeply rooted... you can use your hatred for Shaw to unlock it."

The scene around them briefly flickered to an image of a small cell with a much younger, whimpering Iris huddled in the corner. It faded, and Iris shook her head. She felt like she couldn't control her power- images kept flickering up around her that she couldn't seem to stop.

"That's not the way I want to fight," She finally managed weakly.

"What kind of warrior are you if you aren't willing to fully unlock your powers?" Erik whispered, and Iris closed her eyes. She didn't say another word as she walked away from Erik and back towards the house in silence.


"Charles," Iris called out, walking into the lab and finding him there with Hank and Raven, looking through a microscope. His head shot up and he smiled.

"Iris! What's the matter?"

Iris straightened up, "I think I'm ready to start practising again."

His eyes widened with worry, "Are you sure? It was a lot of strain-"

"There might be more that has to be discovered, and we barely know how many days we have left before the fight." She stated.

Charles hesitated and then shrugged, "If you're sure-"

"Very," Iris smiled, reaching out and tugging at his hand, "Shall we?"

Hank and Raven shared a brief look and smiled at each other as Iris and Charles walked out.

"So what sparked this sudden determination?" Charles asked Iris once they were out of the room.

"Nothing," She muttered quietly, "I just felt like I should have regular practise... you know?"

The expression on Charles' face suggested that he didn't believe her, but he didn't say anything more.

"There's a way that I can use this as a weapon," Iris blurted out, "And it's worth a try. It just... it depends on whether or not you mind me delving into your worst memories..."

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