Chapter 23

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"Shit," Hank swore, and a moment later there was a loud bang.

Iris pushed off her chair and ran around the corner of the lab to check if he was alright, stopping short when she saw him. He was holding a smoking test tube in one hand, and another one on the table had dark smoke billowing out of it. His face was covered in ash, and his hair was poking in all directions. His glasses were completely blacked out.

Iris burst out laughing at the sight of it.

"This isn't funny," Hank grumbled, but she kept laughing.

"You... look..." She tried to catch her breath, "You look like a mad scientist. You've finally become a mad scientist. Your lifelong dream has been fulfilled."

He took off his glasses, which left an outline on his face and caused him to look even more comical. Iris snorted, "If you could see yourself right now."

"Show me," Hank muttered bitterly. She raised her hand, procuring the hilarious image for him to see. He groaned, but a smile had formed on his face.

Iris let the image fade and walked towards the sink, "I'll get you a cloth, hang on a second."

She ran a cloth under the cold tap and walked towards him, passing it to him while still trying to suppress a smile.

"What were you trying to make, anyway?"

Hank sighed as he wiped the dirt away from his cheeks, "I knew it wasn't going to work. I don't even know why I tried. I was testing a new fuel for the plane – one that would last for a longer time."

Iris shook her head with a smile and glanced away. Over the past few days she had spent more time in the lab than ever helping Hank with experiments and research. It had been her idea of a distraction from everything that had happened several nights ago. Hank didn't ask questions, so it was a good setup.

She knew that Charles had noticed her increased absence, although he hadn't said anything about it directly. Of course, she had still been teaching lessons and helping students, but her free time which she usually spent in either her or Charles' study had been given up to Hank instead. She wanted to be busy to keep herself distracted from her thoughts.


Charles called from the corridor outside the lab. The door slid open, and Iris shouted, "You wouldn't believe what Hank just did. It was the funniest thing-" She stopped as she began to laugh again, and Hank elbowed her in the ribs.

Charles smirked, waiting for her to get to the point. She didn't bother trying to explain it, and instead showed him the image. Charles chuckled, "Now that is an image to behold."

"You'll never live this down, Hank," Iris muttered as she walked towards Charles and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Shouldn't you be teaching a lesson?" She asked, leaning back, and he nodded.

"I am. Sort of. I need you to come upstairs to the front entrance. Everyone's up there." He smiled softly, causing Iris to frown.

"And why do you need me to come upstairs? Is one of the students going to experiment something on me?" She asked in mock fear. Charles just shook his head with a smile, "Please just come up with me – you too, Hank."

Five minutes later Iris was standing at the entrance, in front of all the students with Charles and a slightly less-dishevelled Hank beside her.

"Are you all willing to be part of an experiment?" Charles asked, and the students all looked at him hesitantly. He assured them, "It's nothing dangerous."

"I'd prefer dangerous," Danny called out, and everybody laughed.

"Miss. Miracle is going to perform the experiment. I want all of you to clear your minds."

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