Chapter 19

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Charles could hardly believe it as the doors to the room containing Cerebro opened and he entered, followed by Hank and Logan on either side. He hadn't been in this room in years. Using Cerebro required a lot of strain on his brain, and he'd only just decided to use his powers again. He doubted he'd be strong enough to control it, even though Iris had seemed to believe that he was strong enough.

Iris... The thought of her was like a stab in the heart. He closed his eyes for a moment as he tried not to think of her. He'd wanted to go after her to see if she was alright, but- surprisingly- Logan had told him that Iris needed time alone. He shook his head now, shaking any thoughts of her away quickly.

"Raven's wounded," Hank murmured, "She won't be moving fast."

Charles picked up the headset of Cerebro and blew the dust away carefully, "These are muscles I haven't stretched in a long time."

He placed the helmet on and closed his eyes, preparing to find Raven's mind somewhere in the world. Around him, the lights of every mind in the world appeared. He smiled hesitantly- a small part of him had missed using Cerebro. He tried to latch onto some of the minds, but a sharp pain shot through his brain. He cried out, and a moment later the lights around them were spinning faster and faster.

"Charles!" Hank was calling, "Charles!"

A second later, the system blew, and all of the lights went out.

"Charles?" Hank bent down and took the helmet off of him, "It's alright. I'll go and check the generator."

He left quickly, and there was a moment of silence. Charles could read Logan's thoughts, but he didn't need to.

"It's not the machinery, is it?" Logan asked as Charles began to turn away from Cerebro.

"I can't do this." Charles shook his head sharply, "My mind..."

"Yes you can." Logan quipped.

"It won't take it." Charles told him weakly.

"You're just a little rusty."

Charles groaned in frustration, "You don't understand. It's not a question of being rusty. I can flip the switches, I can turn the knobs, but my power comes from..." He pointed at his heart, "And it's broken."

Thoughts of Iris filled his mind again, and he closed his eyes. After a moment, he turned away and began to wheel back towards the door.

"I feel like one of my students. Helpless. It was a mistake coming down here. It was a mistake freeing Erik. It was a mistake recruiting Iris. This whole thing has been a bloody mistake. I'm sorry, Logan, but they sent back the wrong man."

Logan stepped out in front of Charles, his expression not showing the slightest evidence of hurt.

"You're right. I am. Actually, it was supposed to be you. But I was the only one who could physically make the trip. And, uh... And I don't know how long I've got here. But I do know that a long time ago... actually, a long time from now... I was your most helpless student. And you unlocked my mind. You showed me what I was. You showed me what I could be. I don't know how to do that for you. You're right. I don't. But I know someone who might."

Charles frowned in confusion, and Logan leant towards him, "Look into my mind."

Charles huffed, instantly dismissing the suggestion, "You saw what I did to Cerebro. You don't want me inside your head."

Logan almost laughed, "There's no damage you can do that hasn't already been done. Trust me. Come on."

Hesitantly, Charles reached up and brushed his fingertips against Logan's temples. A moment later, a flash of images filled his mind. Images of a woman with red hair, and of pain, death, experiments, love, more death, Logan sinking his claws into the woman with red hair...

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