Chapter 14

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Sitting in the car to the Pentagon, everyone was surprisingly quiet. Logan sat in the front with Charles while Iris was squashed between the door and Hank, with Peter on the other side of him.

She was tired, and barely knew why Logan had invited her to come with them on an illegal mission. How was she going to help in any way? They were all mutants while she was a boring human with nothing to contribute.

"Are you sure you really need me?" Iris asked Hank quietly. He nodded quickly, although he didn't quite look like he could think of a reason straight away.

"We need a... woman," He eventually managed, "Plus maybe you need the experience. This mission could teach you a few things about mutants and maybe you could contribute it to your research."

"A woman, huh?" Iris raised an eyebrow, "We're not weapons for your use. But it's fine. I'm intrigued to see where this is going."

"What got you into research, anyway?" Hank asked, and Iris sighed.

"I don't really know, to be honest. I was involved in an accident about ten years ago just after I lost a job at a newspaper. For some reason, following the accident I felt really drawn to mutations- I was so interested in them. It just led on from there, but I haven't managed to get any proper leads until now."

Hank's expression seemed to soften, "I'm sorry about the accident."

Iris shrugged, "Oh, it's okay. I lost a few memories but my research into mutations has helped me to get through that."

Charles swerved the car rather suddenly, and Iris fell against the side of the door.

"Jesus," Logan muttered and Charles apologised quickly as he straightened the car up and turned into the parking lot. Hank looked at Charles pointedly in the rear view mirror, and Iris spotted it. She frowned in confusion, but decided not to question it.

When they finally got a parking space, everyone tumbled out of the car.

"Okay," Logan spoke, "We all know the plan, right?"

Iris nodded, "I'm with you and Charles?"

Charles glanced down at the floor and didn't say anything, while Logan nodded, "I'm sure you can offer a helping hand."

"I'll try my best," Iris laughed, but when she glanced at Charles' expression her face seemed to darken. He looked... worried for her. Why was he worried?

"Let's go," Hank muttered, beckoning them all towards the main entrance of the Pentagon building.


Iris was standing in between Logan and Hank, trying to look like she blended into the crowd of tourists around her. She was attempting to focus on the tour guide's description of the Pentagon, but it was difficult when she knew that she would soon be darting off into a private area of the building. Were they going to get arrested?

She suddenly felt Logan grab onto her arm and pull her sideways out of the crowd and through a door with the word 'PRIVATE' written across the front. She cast a final worried look at Hank before the door closed behind them and the buzz of the public was gone.

"Just look confident," Logan muttered as they walked down the white corridor and towards the door of the kitchen, "Pretend that you're important and supposed to be here."

Iris grinned, "I'm a reporter- I've got this, Logan. Trust me."

The fire alarm sounded, and Iris prepared for the sprinkler system to turn on as Hank had directed it to do with his radio.

Logan threw the door to the kitchen open and Charles stepped in, holding his hands up.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! This is a code red situation! We are evacuating the floor so that we, my, uh... associates and I... can secure the prisoner."

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