Chapter 27

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A/N - 

Hey, just checking in to say hope everyone's staying safe at the moment in this scary world! And I hope you're enjoying reading this story :) 

The weather had been lovely the last few days in Westchester, which Hank had been grateful for. It had given him an opportunity to try and distract himself, Charles, and the students from Iris' absence by running lots of classes outside in the sunshine. The students had asked many times where Iris had gone, and Hank almost wished she could hear it so she'd know just how much they all missed her. Wherever she was, whatever she was doing, they all wanted her back.

He was teaching a Chemistry lesson outside to the students, who were all laying on the grass watching him mix various chemicals. They were most excited about the ones that exploded, and he kept getting requests to repeat them.

"You won't learn much if I just show you the same reactions," Hank told them with a raised eyebrow, and they all rolled their eyes, "Besides, it's almost time for lunch. You can go now."

They all thanked him as they made their way inside for lunch or to play games. As he watched them all go, he realised how exhausted he was. He hadn't taught this many lessons in years, as Iris had been so keen to teach. He was going to need a lie down or a large drink by the end of the day.

As he packed up his equipment, he spotted a car pulling up outside the mansion. A family stepped out – a young woman and man with a daughter with bright red hair. He waved at them, and they caught his eye as he jogged over.

"Hello," The woman smiled hesitantly, "Is this the school for gifted pupils?"

Hank sensed the guarded way in which she was speaking, and nodded, "Yes, for gifted students with special abilities. I'm Hank McCoy."

The parents introduced themselves as Mark and Lucy Riley, and their daughter was Jessica.

"Would you like to come inside and meet Professor Xavier? I believe he just finished teaching a class."

The parents glanced at each other before following Hank with a smile, both holding onto Jessica's hands. As they walked into the mansion, Hank sensed them looking at the other students around the mansion. Jessica's eyes were like saucers as she watched the students playing basketball, each of them showing off their gifts while they played.

"Mum, Dad, look!" She pointed at them, and her parents smiled, squeezing her hands reassuringly.

Charles' office door was ajar, so Hank knocked gently. "Come in," Charles called out.

Hank swung the door open and gestured for the Riley family to step in before he closed the door behind them.

"Charles," Hank cleared his throat, "This is Mark and Lucy Riley, and their daughter Jessica."

"Hello," Charles shook their hands, including Jessica's, which made her laugh, "What can I do for you?"

Mark glanced at Jessica, "Well, we wondered if we'd be able to enrol Jess at your school. She developed some abilities last week, and we don't think she'd be safe at a school back home."

Charles nodded with a smile, turning to Jessica, "Do you want to tell me what you can do?"

She took a deep breath, "I can control electricity. I would show you but I don't know how to stop it."

"That's alright," Charles smiled, "You're very welcome to join us here, Jessica. My name is Professor Xavier, and I'll take very good care of you, as will Hank. We'll teach you school lessons as well as private lessons on how to control your abilities. You will soon know how to stop it, I promise."

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